Part : 37 Deadly Congee

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Lan Sizhui worried, "Young Master Mo, will anything happen to them?"

Wei Wuxian, "Nothing at the moment. When it goes in the bloodstream and travels all around the body and enters the heart, then nothing could help anymore."

Lan Sizhui, "Wh-what will happen?"

Wei Wuxian, "Whatever happens to corpses will happen to you. If you're lucky, you're just going to rot away. If you're not, you might become a long-haired zombie and you'll only be able to hop around for the rest of your life."

All of the poisoned disciples gasped.

Wei Wuxian, "So you want to cure it?"

Everyone nodded. Wei Wuxian continued, "If you want to cure it, then listen up. From now on, all of you have to behave and listen to whatever I say. Every one of you."

Although a lot of the boys still weren't familiar with him, seeing that he could intimately call Hanguang-Jun by his birth name as if they were from the same generation, that they stood in the middle of a ominously foggy haunted city, and that they were both poisoned and feverish, they felt particularly anxious, instinctively wanting to depend on someone. And, since anything that came out of Wei Wuxian's mouth somehow had a tone of confidence that eliminated all worries, they couldn't help but listened to his words, answering in unison, "Yes!"

"Aww they are so cute." commented Lan fimei about the Juniors disciples.

"Yep, extremely adorable." said Wei wuxian.

"They are poisoned..." pointed out Jiang cheng who couldn't see any cuteness but was slightly concerned for their lives.

"Don't worry we will be fine." said Lan Jingyi to his mother.

Wei Wuxian pressed further, "You have to do whatever I tell you to. Be obedient. Understood?"


Wei Wuxian clapped, "Stand up. Those who aren't poisoned can carry those who are, preferably over the shoulder. If you can only lift them on your front, remember to position the head and the heart higher than the rest of the body."

Lan Jingyi, "But I can walk. Why do we need to be carried?"

Wei Wuxian, "Brother, if you jump around, your blood is going to circulate quickly, and it will enter your heart sooner. So you shouldn't move too much. It's best if you don't move at all."

The boys immediately stood as still as boards, allowing their peers to lift them up. Carried on the shoulder of another disciple from his sect, one boy mumbled, "The corpse that sprinkled the poisonous powder really did breathe."

The boy who carried him complained as he panted on, "I already told you. If it knew how to breathe, then it'd be a living person."

Lan Sizhui, "Young Master Mo, all of them have been carried. Where will we go?"

Lan Sizhui was the nicest, most obedient, and least worrisome one.

"Well it's my son we are talking about. He adopted my genes really well..." said Wei wuxian with a wide grin.

Others, "That's-"

"I don't think his personality is anywhere near like you." said Nie huaisang.

Wei wuxian smiled dropped, "Hey, how can you say that?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"He is more like Lan Wangji." said a disciple.

"Am I only one who think Sizhui personality is same as Xichen?" asked Lan qiren.

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