Chapter 8: Secret Revealed!

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Isshin was at a lost for words on what to say to Orihime at the moment. Hell, the girl had just been bitten by his son; what was he supposed to tell her? He could say it's a long story and see if she's willing to keep it at that but he doubted that would do. Scratching the back of his head as he got to his feet Isshin motioned for her to follow him. Just as well tell everyone if he was going to tell Orihime the whole story. So about an hour later Orihime found herself in the Kurosaki's living room with Renji, Rukia, Uryu, Yuzu, Karin, Kisuke, Yoruichi, Chad, and Kon as Isshin made his way to the front of the room. "Now all of you know this meeting is to be kept under wraps as to keep the Soul Society from hearing about what has happened in regaurds to my son. This is a top secret that only me, Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Captain Retsu knows about along with my former squad partener Rangiku and late wife Masaki. It's about what you get once you take a Soul Repear and put it with a Quincy. Ichigo isn't normal in any way what so ever." Isshin stated as he looked out across the room at all the young ones in the room. That's when Kisuke came to the front of the room to speak,"It was strickly forbidden for Soul Repears and Quincies to have kids because of this secret that we're about to let y'all in on so don't say a word to anyone unless you wish harm to Ichigo's life. It was several years before the first squads were ever made and Soul Repears weren't enemies with the Quincies when the law was passed. See when the two had kids together the child came out somewhat different than other humans. Everyone in here proubly believes that the bounts were the real vampires of myths but that's not true. They are more of a sham to the name than to the real deal. See Ichigo is a real vampire; yes, as in the Dracula since of the word. However to keep Ichigo safe from harm Masaki had asked me to seal away the vampire side to him once he was born and it was this very seal that was keeping Orihime from healing Ichigo here lately. Does everyone follow me so far?" Everyone was quite in the room until Karin spoke up,"What about me and Yuzu? Do we have this seal thing too." Yoruichi stood up and walked towards the front,"No, by the time you two were born Isshin had lost his powers as a Soul Repear so y'all were born normal humans who might or might not be part Quincy." That's when Kisuke cleared his throat and continued,"The seal we are speaking of must have at some point broken during one of Ichigo's fights for him to have bitten Orihime like he did. So now y'all are up to speed about what is going on here. We must try our very best to keep this from the head Captain."
It was later in the day when Ichigo came to again and had his world turned upside down on him by his father. He didn't know what to think as he sat there at his desk looking out the window. He was a vampire; how the hell was that possible to begin with? Shaking his shoulder length hair to get rid of some of the left over water out from his hair due to his bath a few moments ago Ichigo found himself in a numb state. He didn't really know what to think about the whole thing or the fact that he had bitten Orihime when he had first woken up. Hell, he didn't even remember doing so. Ichigo let his head lean backwards as he tried to wrap his mind around it all. How was he going to ever face her again was another problem he didn't have an answer to either. Ichigo looked over towards his bedroom door as it slowly open to reveal Orihime standing there looking shy about something that must have been on her mind. "Um, Ichigo; I was just wondering what you thought about all this. Well, that's not really what I'm wondering about," Orihime mumbled as she closed the door behind her. She looked scared to really say what was on her mind and Ichigo wasn't too sure he was ready to give her an answer to it; what ever it was. Orihime came and sat down on Ichigo's bed as she twirled some of her hair around her fingure as she spoke,"I was really wondering what you thought of it, the taste of my blood but you had said you didn't even remember bitting me so I guess it wouldn't do any good to ask you would it?" Ichigo could only blink at what she had stated to him just then; she wanted to know what he thought of her taste. He really couldn't say to tell the truth unless he was to bite her again which he didn't want to do. Or did he. It was then that he noticed her scent again which was an odd mixture of honeysuckles and caramel. He really did like her scent and he didn't know why or why all of a sudden he wanted to bite her again. All he knew is that she smelt extremely good to him right now. Ichigo didn't even realize what he was doing until it was too late and he had once again bitten Orihime only this time he did notice her taste. Orihime tasted like salted caramel to him and he loved it more than he prouble should have.
Orihime on the other hand couldn't believe that Ichigo had bitten her again, but somehow it was different this time. For starters it didn't hurt and on the other point of things she was kind of enjoying having him bit her like he was. Then the moment was over when in walked Isshin and he freaked out. "Damn it, Ichigo don't eat your friends!" Isshin yeild as he pulled his son away from Orihime who looked as though she was out of it. Ichigo didn't know how to respond to what his father had said other than to look away while mumbling to himself,"I couldn't help myself." Isshin's eyes opened wider at what he had heared and replied,"What was that Ichigo?" For some reason unknown to him Ichigo found himself pissed off at his father as he yeild back,"I said,'I couldn't help myself!'" That's when they all three noticed Kisuke standing at the door with a grin on his face as his fan covered most of it from view,"I have a theory to that. Ichigo was born a vampire and has never fed on anyone other than Orihime; so in some weird way maybe Orihime has become his sire." They all seem to have been on the same wave length at that point because they all three shouted the same thing at the same time,"Do What!"

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