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"Shh, don't think, just do."

My stomach tingled as her lips barely touched my ear.

There's a fire blazing in front of me. The smoke made me cough, also disturbing my vision.

She turned me towards her, lips touching mine, but not fully.

The silky smooth smoke buzzed it's way between my lips, and I choked coughing it back out.

I stood up, her smirk leaving my view as I glance around the shitty cabin.

This isn't exactly how I liked to spend my free time, but it's better than nothing in this fucked up town.

Dirt washed floor and empty beer cans greeted me as I stepped outside.

The cool air refreshed me, getting the smell of stale smoke and booze out of my senses.

My eyes widen as I take in the sky, a dark black with stars dazzling bright.

The moon though could not be over taken, for it was the brightest of them all.

A soft whistling filled my ears, and my vision went down.

A shadow walked towards me, soon making out a person.

His white vans were spotted with mud and grass stains, no longer pure.

His pants were way to tight, but I'm not sure if it was for style or because they were too small.

The shirt was a bit better, a dark red long sleeve, covering a very toned chest.

His large tanned hand toyed with his silky chestnut hair, while his Amber eyes sparkled with such mischief.

The half smirk played upon his lips, causing his jawline to stick out a bit.

He didn't stop walking until he got to me, and even then he waited until he was chest to chest.

I was a bit taller, but even though he had to look up I still felt quite intimidated.

I gazed into those perfect orbs, before his toned thumb slipped across my chin, soon cupping my jaw.

I swear he purred, just slightly, before leaning in ever so gently.

I couldn't wait for his plump lips to hit mine, for this burning longing to be quenched.

But they never met, and the world slowly started disappearing.

My eyes were a burning red as I splashed my face with water.

I stared into the mirror, taking in my features.

My face was chubby, like a baby, and my nose was too long.

My eyes were like a clear summer sky, while my hair did its own thing.

The brown flow was just a mess, sticking up everywhere.

I tried my best to finger comb it, but gave up shortly.

Dressing in some black jeans and a navy blue t-shirt, I hurried down stairs to find mom once again passed out on the couch.

I didn't even put a blanket over her.

I grabbed my bike and peddled to school, my dream still replaying in my mind.

I didn't understand why I couldn't talk to him. He wasn't really popular, no one was, but it felt so wrong.

I wasn't a teenage girl hopelessly in love with her crush. I just knew the facts.

And the facts were goody two shoes Cameron Dallas would never like someone like Nash Grier.

It was that simple.

Now if only I could convince my heart that.


Halfway through school I got bored and ditched, easily walking out the front door.

If they wanted to keep me in so bad they shouldn't make it so simple.

I thought school was jail, but maybe not.

I biked down the hill into the woods. I knew where I was heading, I had been through here so many times.

Crackled branches and dirty leaves flew underneath me as I made my way.

Seeking and soon finding what I had been searching for, I stop and lean my bike against the wall, entering the disgusting cabin.

Right to the place where my dream had occurred early this morning.

No one else was here, which actually was quite surprising.

Someone almost always was, either hooking up in the bedroom on the second floor or shooting up in the bathroom.

I flopped onto the burnt auburn couch, pulling out a cigarette.

Just as I was searching for a lighter, one appeared in front of me.

"Need this?"

I nodded as Carter Reynolds sat down next to me, lighting me up, then his own.

"What are you doing out of school?"

"None of your business," Carter glanced around.

He was definitely a badass, and a major drug lord in town.

Whatever he wanted he got, his life was perfect.

But a neighboring drug leader was always trying to take over his place.

It was a constant war that started three years ago, and seemed like it might never end.

"Look," he didn't move, still staring around.

His voice got low, paranoid someone might be listening.

"I have a shipment coming in tomorrow, but I think Gilinsky's going to try and get it. He knows all of my boys, I need someone he won't recognize. Could you be that guy?"

I snorted,"What happens if he catches me?"

"Don't worry, I'll still have other guys hiding out to help you.

All you gotta do is go down to the boats and in a secret location there's a bag. Grab it, don't look in it, and meet me back here. It's that simple."

"What time?"

"12:30 tonight."

"Fine, just because I don't have anything better to do."

Carter's thin lips slid into a smirk,"Thanks. And I'll give you a reward too if you make it."

He told me the secret location, before getting up to leave.

I gazed after him.

He's not very tall, with jet black hair in a quiff.

He's always wearing leather pants and jackets, usually a white t-shirt underneath.

Tattoos paint his arms, climbing up to his neck and then back onto his chest.

Like I said before, he's badass, always stashing guns on him in places you could never find but he can get to and kill you in a second.

I sighed before getting up to go home.

Tonight was going to be a long night.

Funny story, last night my mom made homemade rolls.

I took one and she yelled at me, saying they were meant for dinner.

So I said no buns are meant for guys dicks and she stared at me n was like wtf so I ran to my room.

Kai Bai

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