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As much as I knew I should apologize, my irrational side got the best of me. If I apologize, he wins, and he already has so much. Family, friends, money.

Everything revolves around money. I mean that's why I'm losing my house, right? And why Cameron's buying it. So I shouldn't have to apologize, because he has money and I do not.

Alright, I know that's a foolish reason not to say those two reckless words, I'm sorry, but I can't think of a reasonable idea why I should say it. I'm losing my house, he's buying it, it's as simple as that.

My thoughts were metaphorically slashed, as if someone took a knife and sliced it through. The irritating sound came from my prepaid phone, the flip kind where you pay for so many minutes then once they're used up you just toss them in the trash. The second I answered I knew I should have let it go to voicemail.

"Nash, I need you right now."

The unease in Carter's voice was slightly disturbing, mostly because he is such a calm, cool, and collected type of person.

"Alright, where?"

"The cabin."

He hangs up without a second thought, and I hurry outside. I had gotten my bike fixed with the money from the sale, so I could get there pronto.

Carter's pacing the dirty room when I arrive, setting my bike against a tree. When he notices me, his eyes are bloodshot.

"What's wrong?"

"H-he's back."

For once, Carter actually sounds terrified. His tranquility is pulverized. I have never seen something like this from him.

"Who's back?"

My voice is reposing, as if he is a ticking bomb that can defuse any second.




A few heartbeats passed before his name was called out again.

"Carter Reynolds!"

The slightly short boy raced down the stairs, pushing his thick black glasses back up his nose. There was a book in his left hand, a ripped piece of paper sticking out of the top as a makeshift bookmark.

"Yes mother?"

She grunted as she noticed the book, thoughts washing over her mind.

Why can't he be like any other 15 year old boy and play sports? Why can't he go out and have fun, party, meet a girl, anything?! Why must he stay in his room all day and read? I wish for once he could be normal.

But of course the spiteful mother could never state these thoughts to her only son. Instead, she took in a deep sigh and persevered to tell him the news.

"Reggie is going to be here soon. Make sure your room is spotless, he is not staying in a pigsty."

Although she knew she didn't have to authorize the latter, for his room is always immaculate, she felt like she needed to. He was too disciplined of a boy, and sometimes she felt like she was doing something wrong when she didn't have to yell at him.

Carter hurried upstairs, sitting down on his perfectly made bed, almost sighing at the wrinkles he was creating on it.

He hated when Uncle Reggie took advantage of his mother and her kindness, always using her for money and a place to stay when he had no one else left. He hated how he would call her such harsh names when he got drunk, or how last time he was here, he ripped up Carter's favorite book. Only a few pages, 7, 23, and 80. But they were still important to the whole of the book. And if someone hadn't read it as many time as Carter to be able to memorize what happened on those pages, they would be complete and utterly lost.

But the thing he hated the most when Uncle Reggie came, was when he'd wait until Carter's mother was fast asleep. And once she was, he'd turn all his attention to Carter. That was what he hated the most.

When those disgusting alcohol covered hands would touch him, in places he should not be touched. When one would wrap around his mouth, and the other wrapping around his shaft, stroking Carter as tears ran down his face.

Carter hated it, but knew he could never tell his mother. Even if he did she wouldn't believe him. She thought Reggie was perfect, even after every bad thing he's done to her.

So Carter waited, dreading every second to pass before his arrival. 

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