Queen in shining armor

7 1 3

Feminine rage let's go

If he can speak he can shout
If he can walk he can run
If he can hold a gun he will shoot

If he can love he can hate
If he can build he can break
If he can carry the crown he can lead

If he can forge an axe
He will build an army
Be the downfall of an empire soon

Run girl run
Build your own morals
Don't worry your roots will remain

Run girl run
Your heart lies in your chest
Not in a sculpture's stone ribcage

You don't need a knight
You have your own shining armor

You don't need to fight
You already have all it takes

All it takes
All it takes
All that it takes

Queen in shining armor
Stand up tall
You don't need a man to guide you
You rise above them all


It's a good one buuuuut
Maybe I'll give it a nine, we'll see

But the "your heart lies in your chest, not in a sculpture's stone ribcage" is SO STRONG. it's also supposed to be sang in a deeper voice

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