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Friends, what a strange name to call
I smile whenever the memories are recalled.

Cheers to the laughs we shared.
Or a meal that we together prepared.

As our "hey" and "hello" has ceased
That doesn't mean our love may freeze.

There are days when I'm back to our old sweet moment.
When we used to vent.

Some taught me patience, some taught me kindness.
Some taught me to be bold, some taught me to be meek.

Some made me cringe, some inspired me to dream.
Some made me regret, some made me live.

While one hurt me, the other taught me to forgive.
But in all different shades, there was friendship.

I was a friend to you and you were to me.
But that doesn't mean we'd stick together till the end.

Grateful for the sleep overs.
Or the dance tutorials.

Or for our unsuccessful trips.
Or for the teas.
You know what I mean.

But my friend our journey together has to end.
Because we all have our own places to flee.
And my friend i wish you the best with a glee.

If you made me once happy then you are a friend to me.
You knew me and I knew you
For The crumbs of you created a bits of me.

Despite our flaws we were still friends.
And if we ever cross our paths again,
In the shadow of a stranger you shouldn't blend.

For it's not yet our end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2024 ⏰

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