Rainy Day Choas

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Soft pitter patterns of rain against the window created a soothing atmosphere in small but cozy apartments. Warm breath fogged up the glass as Lynx blew onto the window, proceeding to lift their fingers to draw pictures on the misty plane

"Little one don't draw on the window it leaves marks"

A voice came from the Kitchen making the little sigh, they were about ready to start arguing as  they turned around, then seeing their caregiver come out the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate something the little asked for the moment they woke up made them forget their arguement.

Quickly getting up from the window and walking towards the coffee table where Lucas placed down the mugs before sitting down going back to the book, he was previsouly reading, comfortable silence till Lynx piped up

"Bun bunn," they called, drawing out the last syllable 

"Hmm?" Lucas hummed 

The little shuffled closer to their caregiver, making him look up from his book

"We go to the park?"  Lynx questioned, taking a gulp of their drink.

"Hun, it's raining outside. You'll get sick," the caregiver sighed

Frowning, Lucas looked outside. Maybe they could go later? The weather didn't seem it would go that way, but he was hopeful they both had been cooped up because of the weather. Lucas refused not to go outside, not liking the dampness texture the rain brought but mainly due to the fact that his little got sick rather easily

Despite that one of the little's favorite activities being playing in puddles and running around in the rain. It was right up there with bending the rules that were given to them.

"Buh, the puddles are weally big," they exclaimed as if they heard his thoughts

"I know hun but tomorrow we can go tomorrow. It should clear up then,"

Lucas said as he got up, going back to the kitchen to start on lunch, Lynx huffed in distaste, flopping down onto the couch and looking back out the windows with a frown on their face

"I'm thinking some cheesy noodles for lunch, what'd you think?" Lucas called from the kitchen

"Ya huh," the little replied unenthusiastically

"Might take a bit..." 

The caregiver went on some more, but it went on deaf ears as Lynx got the bright idea that if it was going to keep their caregiver busy there would be no harm in going out while lucas was busy...he wouldnt even notice.

The little smiled to themself, hopping off the couch as quietly as possible to not alert their caregiver, quickly putting on their rain boots and ducking out the front door with ease.


Humming quietly to the song, playing softly off his phone, Lucas turned off the stove after stirring the pasta one last time. 

"Baby, foods ready!" he called

He was met with silence, which was odd, not even hearing the tv or the playing around of his little. Lucas quickly left the kitchen, knowing silence was never a good sign. Finding the living room empty, he searched the rest of the apartment, coming up with no sign of the little one.


His head screamed as he saw the missing rain boots by the door, quickly shoving a shoe on each foot and putting on a jacket, snatching Lynx's raincoat they left he scurried down the steps hoping not to trip

Shoving the doors open, he searched the parking lot looking for his little, spinning around he finally heard the little giggles and stomps over the rain and quickly dashing over to sound.

There, they stood without a care in the world, sopping wet stompping in giant puddles, cheering in victory at the large splashes they created.

"LYNX!" the caregiver yelled

The little stopped in surprised looking over, seeing a wet Lucas looking frazzled, holding their forgotten raincoat. They smiled sheepisly before darting off in the other direction, making Lucas blink in surprise before chasing after them

"Lynx! You're going to get sick!" the caregiver yelled after them

"NEVER," the little yelled gleefully 

Running as fast as their legs could take them, they made their way to the small garden the apartment complex had to offer. Shouts and loud stomps echoed the parking lot. Lucas grimaced internally, hoping their neighbors couldn't hear them.

Hopefully the rain was loud enough to cover his out of breath shouts, though nothing could be done if one of them happen to peer out the window seeing him chase after his little one in which was now soaked clothing.

Running around like a headless chicken while looking like a drowned rat must be amusing sight unfortunately Lucas didn't find any humor in it as he pushed himself further now entering the garden which was now filled with squishy grass and mud

Lynx finally slowed into the middle of the grass patch, looking over at their caregiver mischievously. As if reading the little's mind, Lucas stopped looking wide-eyed at his little

"Bambi no-" 

The little flopped to the ground, sitting in the mud, picking some up, showing the handful off proudly before putting it back down, seemingly starting to form a melting castle.  The caregiver, meanwhile, cringed internally seeing the mess that was all over his little one

Before he could reprimand the little, he looked them over once more, seeing the joy his little one had playing with the mud in their hands. He sighed once more this was the most content he'd seen them all week, although he'd wish that they didn't have to be soaked in mud and that he'd be dry

Walking over after catching his breath he stood next to his little one looking over them with a fond smile, crouching down he looked at his little's creation not really knowing what was being created but they seemed really focused on it 

"Bambi, let's go back inside," the caregiver said softly

"Nuuu playin" Lynx groaned 

"I know hun but just for a few minutes to warm up, then we can come back outside again."

The little looked up with a frown before looking back down at their creation with a thoughtful expression

"Hot chocolate?" they hummed out

"Sure baby, hot chocolate then back to playing," Lucas bargained 

A few minutes before, they responded with a nod, making Lucas sigh in relief and placing the raincoat around his little to shield himself from some of the mud as he carried them back into the apartment building

The caregiver immediately starting to get dry clothes and towels for their wet hair once back into the apartment. Lucas moved quickly to keep his little from getting fussy with all the added warm clothing, going in the closet for a beanie and new raincoat

A furnace of hot chocolate and a lot warmed layered clothing the pair made their way back outside. A happy little running about occasionally going back to their caregiver for hot chocolate who was content under a gazebo reading his book while watching Lynx

While it wasn't their nice warm apartment, the activity kept his little happy and safe, and that was what mattered to him most. He looked up when he heard Lynx's voice

"Hmm, WHAA- " Lucas sprung up out of his chair

Running away from Lynx, who had a spider in their hands and proceeded to try to put it on their caregiver. It turned into another site to see but with roles reversed as Lynx chased after Lucas in the rain with the largest spider the caregiver had ever seen.

[ FYI, my little would not give in that easy, but I ran out of time ]

Hope you enjoyed

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