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Sofia took another puzzled look at the sealed envelope and decided to take it from the counter. The last lesson of the day was over. It had seemed endless, but she had managed to take most of the notes, so she could be satisfied.

She didn't understand why the presence of that envelope disturbed her so much. It had been delivered to her at the beginning of the hour, along with those of the people who had taken part in the project, but she had not had the courage to open it. Not that it mattered... she didn't know the identity of her future addressee. Whether she decided or not to read the name in the envelope, it wasn't going to change her day. Sooner or later, though, she'd have to, because she'd have to write her assigned name on the bulletin board in the hallway.

«You haven't opened it yet, have you?» Jamie implied behind her.

«Nope. And you?»

She shook her head. «No, but I already know that I'll be less lucky than you. I feel that.»

Sofia decided to put the notebooks back in her bag and stood up. They both headed for the exit. The classroom was half empty already.

«If you're convinced, we can trade them. It wouldn't change anything to me.»

«Good idea. It would be like... tempting fate. I like it.»

Sofia stared at Jamie dumbfounded. «I was joking, you know? I don't even think we're allowed to do such a thing. Isn't that against the rules?»

«The envelopes were handed over to us randomly. Anything's legit until the assigned addressee's name is written on the bulletin board.»

«I don't know. While I think about it, let me take a coffee to clear my head.»

«Oh yeah...» Jamie mumbled. «Oscar Wilde really fogged your brain.»

Meanwhile they had left the building. The air was cool, but it was nice to feel the sun on her face after all those hours spent inside. They walked to the nearest coffee shop and ordered two medium coffees.

«Sounds to me that 'Oscar Wilde' has caught your attention.»

«That's not true... By the way, does your mother need help in the shop? I could fill in for you when you want to take a break.»

Sofia bit her lip to keep from laughing. «Jamie, you can hardly distinguish a rose from a cyclamen!»

«With the right motivation, I could learn quickly.»

«I don't doubt it. Come on, let's go to the bulletin board and write down these names before I change my mind."

The bulletin board was located in the building where literature classes were held. It took a short walk to get there, but Sofia didn't mind the idea. With that detour she could have admired the many murals that decorated the university; she had taken part in the creation of one of those, together with other students. Staring at it again gave her a sense of satisfaction and made her feel as happy as she was when she worked on it. It was good to know that her passion was worth something.

«So, have you decided?» Jamie asked.

«Decided what?»

«The envelopes, the exchange! Are we doing it or not?»

"Yes" Sofia said to herself. "After all, why not?"

«Okay, but if we do this, it has to be permanent. Once you trade, there's no coming back.»

«Seems fair. Deal." They exchanged envelopes as if breaking a spell and shook hands. Deal.

In front of the bulletin board there was a small group of boys and girls intent on commenting on their pairings.

«Remind me how this thing works?»

Jamie rolled her eyes. «Just write your assigned name next to yours. Since it was a Northeastern initiative, our combinations will be communicated to the universities that have joined the project and then we can start writing letters.»

«Okay, let's hurry. We open the envelopes at three. One, two, three.»

«Zara Sheppard» Jamie read aloud. «There's also an address. I can't believe it, she's a girl! You had a girl! You'd better have one too, or I...»

«William Hart.»

Her friend glared at her. «You're kidding me. Is that true?»

Sofia shrugged and turned the note over to Jamie. She had the expression of someone who wanted to slap herself. «William. It's a beautiful name, though. Will you ever stop being so damned lucky?»

«I'd wait to say that. Come on, let's write these names down before it gets crowded again.»

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