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It was past eight in the evening, but Will could no longer tell one day from another. They were all the same. He'd impatiently caught a bus and loped down the road, his swollen heart pounding against his rib cage. He had even forgotten to have dinner, and all to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Following the lessons in the afternoon had been excruciating, between a thousand thoughts and tiredness. Luckily, he had found his aunt Sarah waiting for him at the hospital. Taking Martha's news would've been less painful.

They were both standing in the hall, waiting for the nurse to peep in, and his aunt had been looking at him for a good five minutes not knowing what to say. It was one of those silences that made noise. She finally stroked Will's cheek with her warm hand, a gesture that reminded the boy so much of his mother.

«Honey, you can't go on like this. Let us help. Just because Michael is your responsibility doesn't mean you have to take on these problems by yourself.»

«I know, Sarah. And I'm grateful for you being here with me tonight.»

The woman rummaged in her purse and took out a wrapping. «Here, I got you a sandwich along the way. I knew you wouldn't have time to eat.»

Will took it reluctantly and smiled. He wasn't hungry right now, but he was going to save that for later.

«If they let Michael out tonight, he could stay with me and Stephen for a few days. What about that?»

Sarah's proposal was tempting, but the last thing Will wanted was for his brother to think he was a burden to him. Most of all, he felt the urgency to have him by his side, as if Michael could disappear the moment he no longer had him in front of his eyes. «Maybe you could pick him up tomorrow morning. He'll be tired, and he has to collect his stuff ...»

«Sure. No problem. At least let me give you a ride home.»

«Yes, fine.»

Will caught movements out of the corner of his eye. He lifted his head and saw Martha, but from her expression he couldn't understand what was to follow.

Will stayed beside Michael until he fell asleep, dominated by the glow-in-the-dark adhesive stars glued to the ceiling. He had sticked them with his father when his little brother was just born; they were as familiar as a photograph, like the toy we don't want to get rid of because it reminds us of happy memories.

Aaron, two beers and aunt Sarah's sandwich were waiting for him in the kitchen.

«Has he fallen asleep yet?» his friend asked.

Will nodded and took a bite of the sandwich. His stomach silently thanked him. «He was exhausted.»

«What did they tell you at the hospital? How is he?»

«He is getting better. It almost seems like a miracle. The treatments are taking effect and the leukemia seems to be regressing.»

«Dude, that's great. Amazing. He'll recover soon, he is a strong boy.»

Will sighed. He couldn't stop his thoughts, he couldn't be so optimistic. «Martha told me that, despite treatment, the risk of a relapse is quite high. We'd have good chances of recovery with a bone marrow transplant, even if it's an invasive surgery and, among the complications, there could be rejection. Plus, the price is prohibitive." Will downed his beer, hoping alcohol would give him the courage to continue the sentence. «Martha said the transplant is much more effective with young people and the risk of rejection decreases considerably if the donor is a family member. Furthermore, donor lists have infinite waiting time...»

Aaron's eyes widened. «Are you telling me that...»

Will didn't blink. «Yes. Whatever the cost, if that's what's going to keep Michael alive, I'll be his donor. There is a procedure to follow, but I don't care. I'll miss lessons, I won't go to work, whatever sacrifice might be needed. I know I'm suitable. I'm healthy and I'm the right age. Who else but me?»

A surreal silence fell over the apartment, broken only by the hum of the refrigerator.

«Does Michael know?» Aaron whispered.

«Martha expressed him the hypothesis of surgery, but he has not commented. He knows how expensive it can be. Maybe with the help of our uncles and health insurance... he'll be fine. It has to work.»

Aaron didn't question any further on the subject, nor did he tell his friend how proud he was of him. Will had always been the smart and level-headed one, who knew how to do the right thing at the right time. Aaron had infinite admiration for that boy who had gone through hell and never got out of it.

«By the way, did you open the letter I gave you today?»

«The letter. I completely forgot about it.» Will walked to the couch where he'd laid his jacket and pulled it out of the pocket, then waved it in the air. «Here, so you can enjoy the show.»

He opened the envelope and took out the note. «Sofia Reed. There's her address.»

«Sofia is good. Actually, it's excellent» Aaron exclaimed.

The other laughed his first smile of the day. «What's that supposed to mean?»

«It means that it's the name of a beautiful and intelligent girl. I feel that. Maybe she's Italian, or South American... Besides, you still have to explain what's this stuff about letters and why the hell have you decided to do it.»

«I think we'll need another beer» Will joked.

«You know I never turn down this kind of offers.»

«Well, it was Michael's idea. We were chatting casually and I told him about this project. He suggested: "You might need it, you have to try to participate." He says I'm so busy that I never have time to do anything for myself and that maybe small talking with someone who doesn't know me would make me feel less stressed.»

Will knew his brother was right, but he didn't want to share his woes with a stranger. And if he hadn't written to his addressee about himself and his life, what could he have talked about?

«Sometimes I don't know if you're the one looking after Michael or vice versa» Aaron mused aloud.

Will had questioned himself many times, and even if he didn't know the answer, he knew he couldn't live without his brother. Their mutual need for each other had connected them in an inexplicable way.

«We keep an eye on each other.» He ate the last bite of sandwich and gathered the beers. «Come on, let's move into the living room. You still have to tell me how come you broke up with a girl like Wynona. Or did you think I forgot?»

Aaron spent the next half hour explaining how distance had taken over on their relationship. Wynona lamented his absence, though she had been very understanding on more than one occasion. She respected Aaron's dream and she didn't want to be the reason he gave up on basketball, but every time they were in the same city he had a commitment that kept them from seeing each other. After two wonderful years it all ended like that, with a stupid video call.

«You have to call her. Or better yet, go get her. Bring her some flowers, do something. That girl is the best thing that could happen to you. Besides, you won't find another who can stand you the way I do.»

«How nice of you, Will. You see, you're not the only reason I came back to Boston, after all» Aaron joked. Then he sighed. «Damn, I miss her. You have no idea how much I would like to call her, but what if there was someone else? What if she had found someone who could give her what she needed?»

«Wynona? Nah, no way. She's weeping for you right now, trust me. I remember how she looked at you. Such feelings cannot be erased so quickly.» Will paused. For a moment, he selfishly thought about how much he wished he had a girl to fight for as much as Aaron did. But who was he kidding? No one would have wanted to take part in his complicated life. «I'm sure you'll sort everything out.»

They went on talking for another hour, joking and teasing each other as they did when they were younger. Suddenly, without realizing it, Will collapsed onto the sofa. He closed his eyes, his breathing came heavy and he was trapped in the grip of sleep.

Aaron took a few moments to think in the silent house; eventually, he decided that the right thing to do was to leave. He took a blanket lying nearby and used it to cover his friend, then he paused to look at Will, his features apparently showing no concern.

«Don't give up, Will» he muttered in the dark.

He closed the door behind him and disappeared into the night of Boston.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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