11. Trip

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The good thing was that we already had our bags pretty much packed and ready to go. The bad thing was... everything else.

For one, I really hated sneaking away. I hated doing things behind people's backs, and now we were off on a dangerous adventure to Hades' home, where no one wanted us to go. And two, I really hated doing this to Natalie and Mike. They were supposed to keep us safe. The others would probably blame them for letting us leave, and they definitely wouldn't let us stay with them anymore. And three, we would be gone for days. They'd all be so worried about us the entire time...

But we had to go... That scythe was important. My second half went through so much pain to warn me... We just had to deal with the consequences once we'd come back with it.

"Everyone ready?" Fenrir asked quietly once we all were fully dressed and holding our backpacks.

I turned to look at my door, but I didn't really see it. I listened to Natalie and Mike, who were talking in the kitchen.

I hated doing this to them...

I felt miserable, but I still turned back to Fenrir. "Yeah. I think we're ready."

The god nodded and turned to Ben. "Can you take us to somewhere remote? Preferably somewhere–"

We suddenly stood in the middle of a quiet field, surrounded only by forests. The sun was just about to rise in the distance, but that was the only source of light we had.

"Ah, you weren't done talking," Ben said to Fenrir with an apologetic grin.

"No matter, this is good enough," Fenrir said, and looked somewhere up at the sky.

And only seconds later, I heard a distant sound of an ancient horn, and the sky changed. I saw movement high above us, but at first, it was too hard to see exactly what I was looking at. Something big and many were gliding past the stars, distorting their lights as they passed them.

"The vessels of Valhalla," Jack said, his lips spreading into a smile as he stared at them.

I couldn't tell that they were vessels, but soon enough, as I continued staring up without blinking, I suddenly felt like I stood at the bottom of the sea, staring at the surface.

And I finally saw them, the large ghost-like wooden ships crossing the air. I could see through them, but it was still easy to recognize them as Viking vessels. And as they approached, the sound of the horns grew louder.

"We get to ride them?" Tilly asked in excitement.

"Yes," Fenrir said with a smile when the biggest of the ghostly vessels headed down to us. "Even Ben can't take us to where we need to go this time."

"But your ships can?" Tilly asked, her eyes widening the closer the ship came.

"They can take us to the gates of the Underworld, which are in the spirit realm, but from there, we have to continue on foot," Fenrir explained.

At the End of Nightfall | Gay BxB |Where stories live. Discover now