journey of hearts 💕

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I was anxiously packing my bag; my thoughts were tangled with worries about Sean and Min. Why did I have to be caught in this confusing love triangle? Oh, God. Jane was still sound asleep on her makeshift bed. Our beds were nothing more than thick sleeping bags on top of thin mats, but Jane made it look as cozy as a cloud. She was a good sleeper, her soft snores punctuating the morning air. She looked so peaceful and cute, but I knew I had to wake her up. We needed to get ready to head back home after our one-day trip.

I started to undress; the smell of alcohol clung to my clothes, making my stomach churn. "Never again," I muttered to myself. I was reeking of alcohol and feeling gross. I needed to wash up, but there was only one shower point. It was kind of scary to go out to the cabin alone, where no one would be there, but I had to. Otherwise, I was going to throw up.

I gently shook Jane, but she wouldn't budge. Sighing, I knew I had to go alone. As I was heading out, I saw Min coming towards me. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied. "Where are you heading with all that stuff?"

"I'm going to take a shower before we head back. The smell is killing me, and my mom will kill me if I go home like this."

"You look like a freak," he teased, laughing. But then his expression turned serious. "You know there are a lot of boys hanging out there. Are you going to be okay?"

"What? Really?" I felt a wave of anxiety. I hated being around so many people, especially guys who stared at girls.

"I'll come with you," Min offered, sensing my fear.

"Thanks; I'd appreciate that."

"Shower quickly. I'll be right outside the door. You never know who might break in."

We headed to the cabin, where a lot of guys were sleeping on the floor. I had to tiptoe through them, with Min following behind. When we reached the bathroom, Min stood against the door. "Be as quick as possible," he said.

"I will," I replied, feeling nervous to be naked in there with Min standing right outside. I sighed and tried to lock the door, but the lock was broken. Seriously? This was frustrating.

"Min," I called out, showing him the broken lock.

He looked flustered. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied.

"Trust me. I'm going to hold onto this door and not let go, so you're safe. Now hurry and wash up before the guys wake up."

I felt a bit relieved but was still nervous. "Don't worry. It's going to be fine," Min reassured me before closing the door. I sighed again and removed my top. The lace of my clothes brushed against my skin, making the tiny body hairs stand up. It was cold in the bathroom. I quickly undressed, the cold air making me shiver. There was a tiny window in the bathroom, and I could see birds outside, which made me feel a bit happier and less alone. I showered quickly, the warm water a relief against the cold air, and got ready, feeling bad for making Min wait outside.

When I knocked on the door, Min opened it. "That was quick," he said.

"Yeah, when it comes to showering and getting ready, I'm pretty fast." I thanked Min for his help, and he smiled back at me, his dimples showing.

"Are you hungry? We have muffins and bread here, and I can make coffee," he offered.

I was a bit hungry after last night and felt pretty exhausted. "Yes, please. I'm dying to eat something."

He laughed and made coffee for me. "Thanks for the mini breakfast," I said.

"It was nothing. How did you learn to make coffee anyway?" I asked.

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