Whispers in the Dark

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School was over, and we were headed to the bus stop. It's the best place to hang out after a long day—everyone just unwinds and talks. I love my school, but I know it's not the same for everyone. Lately, maybe because I've grown up a bit or look better, people are starting to notice me more. I'm not invisible anymore, and I've learned to handle things on my own. It's all part of the experience.

"Marieee!" someone shouts my name. Oh, it's Jane. I was waiting for her by the entrance, where all the students came out like a flood.

"Hey, you got out fast today," I said.

"Yeah, of course, my boyfriend is coming, and I have so much to do," she replied.

"Like what?" I asked, curious.

"Like shave and get all clean," she giggled.

"That's it; I don't want to hear more." I cut her off, laughing. But I couldn't help wondering if today would be the day she lost her virginity.

"Maybe today's V-day. I'm so excited!" Jane squealed, her face glowing with excitement.

"Are you sure? I mean, is he really the one?" I asked, a little worried. They met online, and I don't trust online dating. It feels strange, like suddenly being someone's girlfriend without ever really knowing them.

"Don't worry, he's a good guy. And if he tries anything, I'll punch him and get out of there. You know me," Jane said confidently. She's way stronger than me, so I wasn't too worried.

"But call me or Min if anything happens," I told her.

"I will. I have a good feeling about him, and I trust my instincts. So, don't worry about me—think about Sean. What's going on with you two? Friends? That doesn't make any sense," she teased.

She was talking about Sean again. I was okay with it, but how could I tell her that I'm actually into her brother? I didn't know how she'd react.

"Yeah, we decided to be friends. I like it that way—he's a good guy, and I don't have any feelings for him," I lied.

"If you say so. Whatever makes you happy, girl," Jane said, understanding me as always.

"I'll be there at 9 pm, maybe a little later if that's okay," I told her.

"Yeah, take your time, but make sure you're there. I'll be out by 7 or earlier," she replied.

Our bus stop came, and I was so tired. All I wanted was a quick nap, but I knew I had to freshen up first, or Mom would scold me.

"Hi, Mom, I'm home!" I called out, giving her a kiss.

"How was your day, dear?" Mom asked. We have a good relationship; she's always there for me, and as the youngest, I try to be extra cute, which usually means my brother gets in trouble more often.

"Freshen up and eat something; it's all ready. I'm going to rest for a bit," Mom said. In our house, we always take a nap in the afternoon—it's our routine.

"Okay, Mom, rest well," I replied.

I went to freshen up, grabbed some food, and sat in front of the TV. It's a habit from childhood—I love watching cartoons while I eat. Even though I'm older now, I still love them, especially Pokémon. My brother wasn't home; we go to different schools, and honestly, it's for the best. We don't have to be awkward around each other that way.

It was 5 PM when I woke up from my little nap. I had schoolwork to do, and Jane asked me to do hers too, saying she'd order snacks and stuff tonight as a thank you. I would've done it even without the snacks, but I said yes anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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