chapter 1

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Author's pov:

Jeon's mansion

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Jeon's mansion....

Jeon industries

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Jeon industries....

Mrs Jeon was walking back and forth in the living room looking at the clock with worried look it was almost midnight and she was really worried about kook still kook was in his office.... mrs Jeon was getting angry and worried about kook's over working without caring about himself.....

Mr Jeon came there and saw mrs Jeon being so worried walking around...he went near her and put his hand on her shoulder....

Mr Jeon:"hun don't worry he will be back soon...."he said softly trying to calm her but inside he was also really worried about his son.....

Mrs Jeon:"how can I not worry.... this boy is over working so much without caring about himself or his health.... how can I clam down honey...."she said with painful voice looking at mr Jeon with worried eyes....

Mr Jeon:"i know hun kook is really stressing himself.... I don't know why our kook is being like this...."he said with a deep sigh....

Mrs Jeon:"wait I will call him...."she said angrily....

In kook's office....

In kook's office

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Kook's cabinet....

Kook was typing on his laptop with so much concentration with his tie loose around his neck and the sleeves rolled up on his arms in his white shirt....

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