| 009

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CHAP: 009.
#🗯 ... UPPERMOON 4.


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"you've gotta be shitting me." [name] muttered to herself as she felt herself falling through a black hole that suddenly appeared beneath her feet. it seems like demons FORBID to give a break to the poor hashira because the next thing she knows, she'll be fighting another demon. or maybe the upper moon? or wherever it might end up sending her to.

maybe the backrooms, perhaps?

"oh my, look at who we have here~" the hashira's eyes widened, immediately sensing the presence of an kizuki. could it possibly be? [name] narrowed her eyes to the side, meeting the eyes of the uppermoon 4.

"i heard there was a little petty rascal messing up my plans tonight.. but my, my, i didn't expect the rascal to be you—a hashira!"

"can you shut the fuck up already?" [name] snapped, landing on their feet once she had caught up on the situation. "are you so obsessed to see a hashira? it's obviously not your fucking first time."

"mmm~ why, that is correct! gooolden buzzer for you! but, i just haven't ate one in soooooo long! you shouldn't keep me waiting, dear." almost instantly, the expression on the [h/c]ette's face turned into a scowl at the mention of a pet name being used to address her.

ew, it has a thing for calling demon slayers pet names? fucking gross. the [h/c]ette stared at the uppermoon 4 with disgust.

"hey. just now," she started, not moving her from her current position.

"what the hell did you just call me?" if looks could kill—the uppermoon would be long gone with the amount of disgust, hatred, loathe and antipathy all mixed in the singular expression the female gave. the deathly glare itself was more than enough.

"oh? not a fan of petnames? i see,"

no, it definitely didn't fucking see. because why the hell is it looking at her, with that fucking disgusting look?

absolutely fucking not.

utterly disgusted, the [h/c]ette was only just second away from fully pulling their nichirin blade out of the scabbard—only to be immediately stopped by the uppermoon's hushed voice.

"ah, ah now."
'...huh?' [name] deadpanned as the uppermoon gestured towards her, as if telling her to halt her movements. in which, she did just for a moment as her hand was faintly hovering over the handle of the nichirin blade with a raised brow at how it was indirect the message was.

this would've seemed threatening if it was directed to a bunch of outsiders and lower ranked members of the demon slayer corps. but to [name], what did this thing think it was? her mother? it was slightly offensive.

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