Are you one of them?

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Who doesn't love the smell of fresh air on a rainy day and feeling water drops drizzling over your skin, the feeling is simply sensational and kind of nostalgic at times. But though the season brings a lot to love about but there's a lot that we wish wouldn't happen as well. No, I'm not talking about floods though that's a big issue as well. I'm talking about those tiny minions that roam around and buzz beside your ears and love to have a taste of your fleshy goodness. Yes, mosquitoes.

Mosquitos are surely a big issue in the South-Asian region where thousands of people die from dengue, malaria and many more mosquito-caring diseases. And don't even get me started about the normal day to day buzzers. These tiny vampires risk their pathetic lives and cost many lives of our species in their lifetime. But unlike vampires these creatures torture us even at day. Maybe it'd be better if we had fend off actual vampires instead of these pain in the ass. I'd rather carry garlic than breathe in coils and wave electric rackets every minute.

We're sidetracking here....back to mosquitoes. Have you ever had the feeling that these mosquitoes might be biting you too much instead of people around you. You're not just imagining it, it actually is happening. Some people are more prone to get bitten than others. And I'm not going to scam you by saying you have Cow blood that attracts you more to them. What I've come about to see is that some physical conditions more likely attract mosquitos to us. Did you know that a mosquito can sense the Carbon dioxide your exhaling from 10 meters away? Mosquitos are stimulated to the body odor and Carbon dioxide we smell and that alarms them that there is food nearby to suck on. But now I can't tell you to stop breathing, can I? I mean that'd leave me with the police on my back. And body odor....nah I'll leave that to you to keep it on or off.

Coming back to our topic, researchers have observed that sweating attracts mosquitoes more than usual. Which affirms more on the fact that mosquitoes can sense body temperature through their devilish antennas. Now sweating can be caused by a lot of activities starting from playing or exercising to even having anxiety attacks. Throughout your day and your work you're bound to break a sweat now and then. But some people tend to sweat more than others and they are more likely to be targeted by our tiny friends. Another thing observed is that acidic skins tend to lure mosquitoes too. Now though the acidity of your skin is mainly controlled by your genes but eating certain food and leading an unhealthy life people are more likely to have a more acidic skin.

Pregnant women are also usually more alluring to mosquitoes which suggests some certain hormones might act as a stimulant. That or just female mosquitoes just have a thing for to-be moms.

It's alarming that every year the rate of dengue patients are increasing and this year the records suggest it'll surpass the previous year records too. With the rainy season now in full bloom, mosquito breeding will soon be in season if they haven't started already. People with these certain body conditions and also everyone in general should stay on guard at least until late October to November till that frenzy fades away for another year. They say precaution is the best cure , so maybe this year we'll see lesser people get affected from proper awareness. Hoping  that it does.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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