CHAPTER 2 - Break in

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I'm just going to start the story even though I know it will flop:), this is my first fic by the way, I hope you like it.

Giyuu's POV

"That was so fucking easy" Sabito says, leaning against the wall of the alleyway they were in.

"Don't let your guard down, idiot" I told him and Sabito pouted.

"Wahhh, Makomo, he's being mean to me for no reason!" Sabito hugged onto his girlfriend.

"Stop being a baby Sabito" Makomo says with a laugh and I roll my eyes at them. Their always being all lovey dovey and shit, I'm always the third wheeler, just sitting there watching in disgust.

Makomo kissed Sabito and the cheek and he grinned, he kissed her back on the lips and they started making out, I grimaced at both of them.

"Get a room you two!" Daki yelled and I jumped in surprise, "you fucking scared me, Daki" I say and she laughed a little.

Gyutaro pulled Makomo and Sabito apart, "idiots" he muttered under his breath.

"Aw, come on Gyutaro, you know you love us~" I said smirking at him slightly and he scoffed "as if, suck my dick idiot".

"Gladly" I say and he chuckled at me.

"Eww" Daki says, imitating vomiting, all of us laughed, even me.

"Awww, I made you laugh Giyuu!" Daki squeals excitedly, I swear my ears would have started bleeding by how loud it was.

"Don't get used to it" I say, ruffling her hair with a small smile.

"That was a fun mission" Gyutaro says, changing the topic, Makomo and Sabito nod as well as Daki.

"Yeah, even though we didn't kill anyone" Sabito says with an annoyed huff, Makomo hugged him and immediately his facial expression softened, fucking simp.

"But we got these!" Daki hums excitedly, holding out some priceless jewellery, "plus, it's not everyday we can rob a museum AND a bank", Gyutaro snickers, pointing at the 3 bags of money behind him.

"Ooh, let me try those earrings on!" Makomo grabs a pair of 24 carat gold hoop earrings, slowly sliding it into her ear.

"Here Giyuu, you should wear this!" Daki says, handing me a beautiful sliver necklace, simple but pretty (and expensive/priceless).

"No, it's fine, you can wear it" I say, trying to hand her back the necklace but she glared at me and I sighed, putting the necklace on, she smiled.

"So, what do you guys wanna do tonight?" Sabito asks, taking out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, he threw me a cigarette and I caught it, taking out my own lighter.

"Ooh, we could steal something again, or we could murder someone, or we could commit arson!, or we could give the boys makeovers, or or-, Gyutaro cuts Daki off, "remember to breathe" he says with a chuckle as Daki starts breathes in and out heavily.

"Hmm, let's do something a little more subtle, I mean, we just robbed a bank" Makomo says, thinking while holding her chin.

"Vandalism?" Gyutaro suggests after a while and we all turn to him.

"Oooh yeah!" Daki and Makomo squeal in unison, Sabito nods in agreement, they all then turn to me.

"Pleaseeee Giyuuuu!" Daki pleads, leaning closer to my face with big puppy eyes.

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