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"Sugishita..." I hugged his arm, preventing him from hitting Sakura again. It's hard to believe that a guy like him got punched in the face by Sakura. Sugishita was one of the guy who stood after Ume under bofurin but seems like his spot isn't secure anymore...

"Let me go..." I flinched in his voice, Sugishita doesn't speak unless he's fanboying over Ume or super serious. Ume isn't here so- ....

"Nagisa...release me" And my arm fell by my side. The whole class watched the scene unfolding in front of us. Considering Sugishita's behaviour he'd have thrown me away with just an yank but surprisingly, he didn't... probably because...

"Tch!" His scoff made me realise that I needed to blink. Blood dripping from his nose he jumped again, raising his fist in the air and ready to hit Sakura once again. Sakura being the stubborn guy himself smirked and raised his own fist. I closed my eyes, expecting to hear some clash and beating.

But suddenly the speaker into the class freezing everyone in their places.

"One! Two! Testing testing..."

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