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Ah man......

That guy looked pretty bad while laying on the ground knocked out like that.

"I'll take care of the rest. So hurry up, and get your ass over there." Sakura told Sugishita to back off but he stood there all stiff like a statue.

"NOW LISTEN HERE YOU TWO! THE HELL YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!" Hiragi was probably shitting in his pants.

"What're you doing man?" Those two guys from lion were mocking their knocked teammate. Poking his face with their feet or just waving hand in front of his unconscious face. I didn't know their names and I didn't intend to. But they were pissing me off!

Suddenly there's another person's footsteps. Click clack sounds.... something like wooden sandle hitting the concrete road. Me and Hiragi's eyes were about to raise up from our eyebrows.

A man in some kind of traditional wear , wearing Japanese geta sandles and coming slowly at us. He had his little mullet tied in a braid and these weird sunglasses over his nose.

The second in command of lion's head....

Jo Togame.

"Tch! Out of all people! He had to show up?" Hiragi gritted his teeth. His hand was still in front of me, somewhat indicating that I in fact should not step forward from where I was already standing.

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