The side no one knew

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When you step into the room you look around in awe. ' a fucking literal ninja...always good. Not to self. NEVER piss him off.' You start to walk around and you reach up to touch something and pewds comes running beside you and flips you over his shoulder. "No. Touchy. Until I can say you can touch" You laugh and he placed you in the middle of the room. He turns you around and puts his arm around your neck. He didn't choke you but he was explaining how to get out. "When someone does this to you, you either elbow them in the side or try to kick there balls. If you can't do either then......well you're screwed. sad but true." He then grabs both your arms and holds your wrist's. "when someone has grabbed your wrist, the weakest part is when the thumb and the middle finger touch. If you pull your wrist's out from that location there is no way he can hold you. Unless he has both his hands on the one wrist. If that's the case you take the palm of you hand and shove it in his nose with full force. Sure your sending all that cartilage to his brain but its a kill or be killed moment." You look at him like he just told you he was your favorite character from a video game. You just stand there with you mouth gaping like a fool. He starts to laugh. "This is something no one, not even my parents knew." You just flop on the ground. "Nope. get back up" He pulls you up. "We are going to continue our lesson so get ready because your going to learn them quick and do them fast." You have fear in you eyes but get into a ready position. "Notice me sempai~~~~" He laughs.

--------------------------------------A time skip later----------------------------------------------

"So.....tired.....why....did this....go on for so.....long?" You pant while you crawl out of the secret room while Felix helps you crawl out. "You need to be preeparred." You look up to him. "Really? Lion king? Of all the times to quote Scar now is.....the time." You laugh with him. When you finally get upstairs and into the bedroom you crawl onto the bed and pass out before your head hits the pillow. 'She's so cute when she sleeps' thinks pewdiepie. You dream of ninja's creeping into the house and you being a sensei avoid all there attacks. You have a good dream.


You wake up and smell a cake cooking. You walk down stairs and see poods making poundcake. You sing under your breath. "I'd like some pound cake-chuck cake-chuck cake-some cake..." and walk into the living room. "Smells good. Pound cake?" He looks at you like your a hound dog. "Yes, can you also smell the roses in the backyard?" You sniff the air. "I can actually. Annick Goutal Rose Absolute?" He just drops what he's doing. " ordered them last w-week." You just smirk at him. "Yes, I'm a hound dog. I come in use."

"Why don't you join airport security?"

"Because I would have to wear a uniform and people would try to kill me and they would hate me. I'd rather be disliked then hated."

"Wise words.......from the hound dog." He goes back to cooking and you just laugh. After he finishes everything he hands you breakfast. "Ohh looks good." You start to eat and Felix kisses your cheek. 

After breakfast you try to go and collect the dishes but Felix pushes you back down and gets them. "Why can't I he-" He cuts you off with his finger and says "One moment." You just sit like a good girl and wait. He emerges from the kitchen with his back to you and you see a light behind him. "what is that?" He spins around and puts in infront of you. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (F/N)!" You were so stunned because you completely forgot about your birthday. "Tha....Thank you so much Felix!" You hug him and the kiss him. "Best birthday ever."


Sorry it took so long to update. I've been getting ready to pack up and leave. In about 17 days i will update a long chapter and it would be the last one for 3 weeks. Thank you for your co-operation. 



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