Chapter 1

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Walter pov

The summer in Sweden was always beautiful. The warm sun would shine on Walter's face and would reflect on the lake near his house.

Flowers would blossom leaving the thick air with a fresh scent, birds would sing their songs and everyone seemed to be more hopeful around the summer.

But one thing Walter was most excited about, something he would wait a whole year for and no matter how often it would happen he still was excited. It was spending time with his best friend Henry.

They had met years ago. Well their parents had, which automatically meant that they met. They practically grew up together. They took their first steps together, went together to their first day of school, experienced having a first crush and the first heartbreak. They knew eachother like no one else. One glance and Walter knew what Henry thought. One motion and Walter knew what he was meant to do.

They were meant to be best friends.

The doorbell rang loudly and Walter, who was just laying in bed reading, felt his heart quicken excitedly.

He practically ran down the stairs, checked his hair in the mirror, which was laying weird on his head from all the in bed staying, and opened the door energetically.

And there he was. Henry.

His red hair shimmering in the sun falling perfectly down around his face.

Walter smiled instantly.

Henry flashed him a grin, showing his teeth:"What's up?"

Walter thought about what he could answer, what would be the best approach. Henry looked unusually good. Not that it actually was unusual. Henry of course always looked good, but right now he looked..

Before Walter could think until the end or even answer Henry's question, his mother stands next to him greeting Henry warmly.

"Hello darling, did you have a safe journey here?"

Walter's mother, Greta, looked almost like Walter. Her face was a bit rounder, her cheeks redder. Her brown hair always up in a ponytail, leaving her eyes free who bloomed of kindness.

"Yes, thank you. How are you doing, Greta?", Henry attention turned to Greta a kind smile on his lips. Walter knew how much Henry adored Greta. She had been there for him in moments his own couldn't be.

"I'm doing quite well, thank you. Even better now that you're here Walter couldn't stop talking about your arrival", she chuckled.

Walter felt his face turning red, embarrassed by the words of his mother. She didn't need to tell Henry that.

Walter had talked about Henry for days. He was excited to see him again after the mess of a school year they had. All of the drama with Wilhelm and Simon had drained him, and then the fact Hillerska might close. It had been a lot. And now he just wanted to enjoy his holidays with his best friend.

"Well, I am excited as well! I might even have dreamed about it", Henry said, taking the awkwardness out of the situation.

Walter was grateful for that. It's what Henry did, helping Walter when he clearly felt uncomfortable. He made himself an even bigger idiot to reduce the attention that was on Walter.

"How about you help Henry settle in? We will do our traditional barbecue later!"

"Greta, you don't know how much I love you", Henry exclaimed as the word barbecue fell from the lips of Walter's mother.

She smiled lovingly at him before she turned around going back to the kitchen.

Walter took one of Henry's suitcases. He always packed too much. They had fought about this one time.

"You know the way", Walter grinned, letting Henry go first into the house.

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