Chapter 4

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Henry pov

Henry loved the holidays at Walters. He was at peace while staying there and it was one of the best times in his year. He couldn't say the place he should call home actually felt like one. It had never been his home and it probably never will be.

They spend the first days settling in. It was not like it was weird between them the first few days, but they had to get comfortable being so close to each other again. In Hillerska they didn't share a room so it was a different situation at Walters home.

Also Henry couldn't push the feeling aside that something was strangely odd about Walters family this year. His father drank more and Greta seemed like every day drained a bit more of her energy out of her.

Henry wanted to help as best as he could, as this house, this home was the only family he ever felt welcome in. He also wanted to give Walter the peace back he, Henry, always felt while being here.

"We could go picnic together today", he proposed while they all sat at the table eating breakfast. Walter had just put a forkful eggs in his mouth and looked a bit shocked at Henry.

Henry had thought the first few days about what they could do to make the holidays feel like they were in the past and he remembered the first time he was here.

It had been beautiful, the sun was warm and Henry had, for the very first time, felt at home. Back then Walters father had a better condition and as they sat on the picnic blanket he joked around with them. While the sun would set they would play music and Greta and Walters father would dance around them. It was beautiful to look at. Greta was glowing a beautiful wide smile on her face and the eyes of Walters father were openly showing his admiration for his wife.
It was all Henry ever wished for his family. Sometimes he began to feel jealous of Walter for having such a perfect family. He thought why wasn't the world kind to him and gave him this too.

But now he knew better. There wasn't a perfect family, but maybe he could still help making Walters family a bit beautifuller again. He had tried it with his own, but after years of not being able making them listen to him, he gave up, but for Walter..

Henry knew he would do anything for that boy.

He was still his best friend.

"Of course, darling, if that's what you two want to do. I can make you food", Greta smiled politely taking a small bite from her toast.

"I thought we could all picnic together, as we used to", explained Henry further, knowing that Greta either hadn't understand what he said or ignored it.

Walter started to cough and Henry turned around to him raising an eyebrow. Walters head was red trying to breathe.

"We could", Gretas gaze turned to her husband. He hadn't been a part of the conversation, instead he had looked in the newspaper.

"So it's decided then!"


Henry said that he and Walter could search for the picnic stuff while Greta prepared the food. Walter said it would be on the attic since they hadn't had a picnic in years.

"Holy shit, that's a lot of dust! Does no one clean up here?", said Henry as he was up the stairs looking around.

"Be my guest and clean all of this", Walter laughed and motioned with his arm to show all of the clutter.

"Shut up."

It took a long time and a lot of sneezing until they found what they searched for. Actually Walter had found it while Henry found something else.

"Is this a photo book?", he asked sitting down on the floor opening the book on his lap.

"No, it's a textbook that's why so many pictures are in it", said Walter rolling his eyes and sat himself next to Henry on the floor.

"Oh my God look how cute you were!", Henry shouted excitedly, looking at the picture of toddler Walter and then at the Walter sitting next to him. He had changed. He looked more handsome, his hair still fell in his face, giving Henry the urge to push it away to see his eyes better. His eyes hadn't changed. They still had this smart look in them as if he could see everything. Henry could have gotten lost in them.

"You are still cute", Henry whispered and if he wouldn't have looked away that fast he would've seen the blush on Walters cheeks.

They kept looking through the photo book. Walter told him about the different pictures. Some they skipped and some Henry asked so many questions that Walter scoffed and started to talk about something else.

Henry wanted to know everything. He had been a part for most of Walters life, but some things even he hadn't seen and he wanted to know them. Wanted to know how Walter had felt in certain situations and if he would do it again.

"Boys, come down stairs we can go now!"

They both jumped when they heard Gretas voice. They hadn't realized that time was passing being so focused on the book.

"Well, that's it for today", Walter closed the book with a loud thump and dust swirled through the air making Henry sneeze.


They had chosen the spot to set their picnic exactly as they did all those years ago, under some trees near the lake.

Henry helped Greta set the food on the blanket while Walter tried having a conversation with his father.

Everything seemed to go well. Grant actually talked with them acting like all those years ago. He joked around and let out his warm, deep laughter that made Greta light up everytime she heard it. Henry could see it. Grant also wore clean clothes matching with his wife who wore a beautiful summer dress. Walter and Henry got themselves to the food right away complementing Greta for her great work and Grant even kissed her on the cheek.

Yes, everything seemed to go well..

Until it didn't.

Grant had asked about Hillerska how everything went and Henry, the talkative boy he was, told him about Wilhelm and Simon.

"Two guys? What bullshit!", stated Grant eeming clearly upset.

"Darling, please don't..", said Greta carefully.

"Don't!?", his voice began to rise and Henry could hear the influence of alcohol in it. Even though Grant had fun, alcohol was always in his hand.

"There are two guys. Two boys! Fucking on the Hillerska property and I should not say anything against it!?", he stood up, swinging to the sides clearly lightheaded. His arms are swaying trying to show how upset he was.

"Darling..", Greta whispered again tensing up, ready to catch him if something should happen.

"I do not accept this. I am not standing here accepting that and from the royal family too! Our world is going down and-" He couldn't finish what he wanted to say, he had swayed too much to the right, trembling down.


"Darling!" Greta jumped to him leaning over him.

"I will not accept this. You boys are ruining everything! You ruined me, Walter!"

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