Chapter 2

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For hanniia_07  who came up with the name Grant and started the chapter.

Henry pov

When he arrived at Walter's house, Henry immediately felt a wave of familiarity and safety. He had been here so often during the summer that it felt like home to him, especially when his own home didn't.

The two boys walked up the stairs carrying the heavy suitcases, not without Walter complaining about Henry packing manners and Henry about Walter who was 'just too weak and should train more'.

They unpacked Henry's stuff for the upcoming weeks and set up the sofa where Henry would sleep on. As much as they liked eachother, sleeping next to eachother didn't work. Walter would always search for Henry while Henry slapped around him trying to get space. They had tried and failed.

As they put cushions on the sofa they talked about the summer. They had many plans and wanted to spend as much time outside as possible, even though they both knew eventually they would sit in the living room playing video games. But hey, the thought is there!

They finished faster than expected and the barbecue wasn't ready yet. So, they decided to go downstairs in the living room. Walter laid lazily on the sofa while Henry took a place on the floor playing with cards.

"How's Grant been lately", Henry asked, breaking the silence. He shuffled his cards without any goal, just to keep his hands busy. It what he always did, he couldn't sit still, sleep still or stop talking once he started. Everything had to move otherwise he felt uncomfortable.

Walter was the opposite. He was the quiet for Henry, which he appreciated. Sometimes Henry's thoughts were all over the place and Walter's calmness helped him to settle down. To breathe and to think in mini steps instead of trying to do something huge.

Walter shook his head:"It's been fine. Not too bad atleast."

It was obvious to Henry that Walter didn't want to talk about his father just yet. He could see it, because now Walter was also shifting around playing with a loose thread on his shirt.

"I'm so glad the drama about Wille and Simon is over now. I still feel sorry for them", Henry tried to change the topic.

"Yea, same. It was hell for everyone. I think it outed a lot of people as homophobes."

Henry thought about what he had heard. That being gay was a sin, that Wilhelm and Simon would rot in hell because of their love. It was stupid of course and not true, but at the time he didn't know how to handle it. He wasn't brave enough to say something. To yell at them and say how wrong it is to blame people for loving.

He would act differently now.

Suddenly Greta called for them, getting Henry out of his thoughts:" Boys, stop sitting around and help me set the table!"

With a groan both of them stood up going into the garden.

Walter's house was huge. And beautiful. It looked a bit old, they once told him it was passed down generations in this family, which for Henry was a beautiful thought. They had a lake quite near the house, one of Henry's favorite places. Walter's garden was wide, plastered with flowers and trees standing around blooming in the summer time. Greta had made a little vegetable garden where the boys could often find her in the summer time. In the back behind some bushes was a bench, Henry knew it was Walter's favorite place. He would sit there often and read, while Henry would annoy him.

Henry took one of the plates with sausages placing it on the table, while Walter got the forks.

As Henry just sat down Grant walked down the door a glass in his hand. He wore shirt with random buttons buttoned and unbuttoned, on his jeans was a stain which he didn't seem to care about.

"Henry, my boy!", Grants voice was raspy, exactly how someone would imagine it to be. Henry could smell the alcohol from miles away.

"Hello Grant, it's nice seeing you again", greeted Henry him polite, even though his thoughts were something different.

Grant laughed, a bubbly laugh and walked over to Henry.

He tripped and cursed loudly.

"This fucking stone, always making me fall."

Greta rushed to him laying an arm around him:" Oh sweetie, let's sit you down."

Henry had always known about Grants drinking problem. It wasn't a secret Grant tried to hide. But what Henry had never thought is that it would go this far. And when Walter said now was fine, how had it been months ago?

Henry looked at Walter who just stared at the forks in his hand, his lips pressed together.

As Grant was safely put on the bench, everyone seemed to breathe again.

Walter sat himself next to Henry after he put the forks on the table.

"I'm sorry Henry, I don't think this will be like summers you have known here", he whispered quietly, so only Henry could hear him.

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