Chapter 1

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It has been about a quarter-moon since Jaggedkit and her family got to SunriseClan

Jaggedkit shuffled around the nursery, her eyes wandering curiously. She soon noticed a light grey fur-ball nestled in the corner of a large, end nest. It seemed to be much bigger than the other nests. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, Jaggedkit gathered her courage and ran towards it.

Once she reached the fur-ball, Jaggedkit cautiously poked it. Startled, it jumped up, revealing a light grey kit with darker grey markings on her ears, cheeks, and legs. Dark grey lines extended from her eyes to fur tufts on her cheeks, giving her a distinctive appearance. Despite these markings, she seemed blind, yet she stared STRAIGHT at Jaggedkit with an intense focus,showing she was,indeed,not blind.

"Hello," the kit said excitedly, her words tumbling out rapidly. 

"I'm, uh, Sunkit. I'm not cursed or anything, I swear! I won't kill you or get your whole family killed. I'm just very unlucky, but I'll try to keep my unluckiness away from you!"

Sunkit spoke so quickly that Jaggedkit took a moment to process everything she was saying.

"I'm Jaggedkit," Jaggedkit introduced herself timidly.

Sunkit skipped around her excitedly. "We look kind of similar! I'm just lighter with much more design. I love your fades on your legs and tail, and orange eyes are so pretty. I wish I had orange eyes, but uh—I got these boring old blind blue ones. I'm not blind, cats think I am, but I'm not. I can see very well, in fact!"

Sunkit's rapid speech and enthusiasm showed her eagerness to connect despite her initial nervousness.

Sleekwing finally woke up, her gaze gentle as she watched Nightkit huddled against her stomach while Pathkit and Hornetkit darted around energetically. Standing up, Sleekwing gently nudged Nightkit, who hissed but then followed her brothers almost instantly. Sleekwing then approached Jaggedkit and Sunkit, her presence calming yet protective.

Sunkit bounced up to Sleekwing, eager to make a good impression. "Hello! I'm Sunkit! I'm not cursed, I won't... uhm, kill—I mean, harm you. I'm just unlucky, but I promise I'll keep my unluckiness away from you!"

Sunkit's enthusiasm mixed with her nervousness as she tried to clarify herself, hoping to dispel any misconceptions about her.

"Where's your parents?"

Sleekwing's question made Sunkit blink in surprise. "Huh—oh, dead. My mother died at birth while my father died before my birth because some rogues—my mother used to be a rogue—got mad at him because she was pregnant with me, so they killed him."

Sleekwing looked at Sunkit with a warm expression. "Oh, if it's okay with you, then I'll take you in," she offered kindly.

The other queens' heads instantly lifted, their eyes fixed on Sleekwing as if she had spoken something unbelievable. Sunkit stared at her, her curiosity piqued. "Who are you?"

"My name is Sleekwing," Sleekwing replied with a gentle smile, her eyes soft with compassion.

"You'll really take me in? Really, really? Will I have new friends there? Will your kits like me?" Sunkit asked eagerly, her eyes shining with hope.

Jaggedkit nodded reassuringly. "I will!"

Pathkit paused briefly to nod at Sunkit before chasing after Hornetkit, caught up in their playful antics. Meanwhile, Nightkit approached Sunkit with a curious expression.

"Were you born in leaf-bare?" Nightkit asked, her tone a mixture of skepticism and curiosity.

Sunkit shook her head. "Greenleaf."

Nightkit huffed in response. "Fox-dung! I was born in leaf-fall! But I think you're as old as me right now, but you're still older than me!"


And there sat Jaggedkit with Pathkit as Reedstar announced them as apprentices. Jaggedpaw smiled proudly, her mentor Tawnypelt giving a slight nod of approval. The tan she-cat, Tawnypelt, booped noses with Jaggedpaw in a traditional sign of mentor-apprentice bonding.

Meanwhile, Nightkit pouted quietly to herself. "Four more seasons!," she whispered, "till I'm Nightpaw..." Sunkit grinned happily,for no reason at all.

Jaggedpaw shuffled over to Nightkit, trying to cheer her up. "Just four more seasons!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.

Nightkit hissed in frustration at her, feeling impatient for her turn. She watched as Jaggedpaw ran off with Tawnypelt, her mentor, eager to begin her own apprenticeship journey.

A/N:This means:Long-time ago past and this means:not so long ago past

Sorry this was mostly past stuff.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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