Chapter 2

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Halfway through the night, Tamao awoke feeling cold. Man didn’t think it could ever get so cold anywhere. It just continues to come down out there, I need to get some sleep but it's so cold! Tamao found himself shivering uncontrollably for several minutes until he saw Inari looking at him from the corner of his eye.

When she noticed he saw her she looked out the window before glancing back at Tamao.

“Are you cold?” Inari asked Tamao nodded in response.

“Well, it may not help much but here.” Tamao looked over at Inari confused before he saw she was moving her nest closer to Tamao’s before laying down and laying her tails over Tamao’s back. “Is that better?”

Tamao nodded in response before drifting off to sleep. Inari realized what she was doing and a blush grew on her face before she decided she should go to sleep as well.


“RISE AND SHINE, ALL MONS’ ON DECK!” A voice shouted from the hallway startling Tamao and Inari awake, both of whom smacked into each other in confusion. When they got their bearings a few seconds later they rushed out of their room and saw Ignis sitting in the middle of the hallway.

“Alright, everyone! The storm and hit fast, we have several buildings that have parts of the ceilings caved in, mons are trapped in their homes and need to be rescued! Every team that doesn’t have a fire type joins up with one. That is all, get out there and save some lives!” Ignis then turned towards the exit of the guild and made his way out.

“Come on Tamao, we got this.”

As the two made their way outside Tamao took note of just how tall the snow was, it was well over twice his size (even if he was relatively short even for an Eevee). Ignis had already cleared a path through the snow which was shown by the puddle of water sitting on the ground. Even though the snow was still barreling down to the ground Tamao couldn’t feel the effects of the cold.

“How are you holding up Tamao?” Inari asked as she began creating a diverging path with some of her flames.

Could be a lot worse. Tamao thought shrugging in response to the question. They eventually came upon what Tamao thought was a market stall. As he started moving some snow with his paws Inari was carefully melting some of the snow off the side until she saw the wood, then she would stop and move to a different part and let Tamao finish unburying it.

This process continued as they moved through the market, Inari took this opportunity to inform Tamao about all the different stalls and the purposes they filled. “That’s Kangaskhan storage, the name is pretty self-explanatory that is where we can store items we get from exploring and rewards. Right next to it is the local bank, owned and operated by Miss Poppy a Floragato. Then the Kecleon Market which is what we are currently digging out.”

Tamao nodded along when he felt his paws completely fall through the ground and he was sent tumbling into what he could only describe as a snowy abyss. The snow surrounding him had him trapped. Unable to move or call for help Tamao attempted to come up with a logical way out of this predicament but found no ideas came to mind.

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