Chapter 2: The Meetup After The Party - Julie POV

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The two wade through a sea of people, their destination one only they seem to know. Because the two girls used to be close with Carrie, Julie knows exactly where to go in the large house. The two turn into a large room, the white tile covering the floor seeming to glow. No one is in this area, as the party's on the opposite end of the house. There are a few hallways opening into the modern room, but one is different from the rest. Instead of a door at the end, a large painting of food covers the whole wall.

"Jackpot!!" Julie exclaims, her voice echoing in the open space. She pulls the left side of the painting, pulling it open like a door.

"Yes! Julie you're amazing."

"I know."

The two girls step behind the painting, switching on a nearby light switch and padding down a few steps. The small staircase opens into a game room, complete with a pool table, PS4, jumbo tv, stereo and—

"BINGO!" Julie shouts when she spots the fridge. She and Flynn race over to it, yanking it open and scanning the contents quickly.

"Found it!" Flynn pulls out two Capri Suns, throwing one at Julie and closing the fridge. Together, they pull the straws off and stick them into the juice pouches.

"To us!" Julie cheers, giggling.

"To us!" Flynn echoes.

They both take a sip and burst out laughing, and Julie can finally say she's glad she came. Julie lets her eyes wander around the familiar area. She and Flynn haven't been down there since—two years ago? Nothing much has changed.

Her eyes land on the corner alcove. It's a tiled dance floor, mirrors all around. When she was friends with Carrie, she used to sit down here while Carrie and her dance group, Dirty Candy, practiced. Flynn follows Julie's gaze, a mischievous smirk lighting up her face. She darts over to the stereo and plays the first cd she sees. It's an upbeat pop song that they both know the words to, and Julie sets her Capri Sun down.

"M'lady, may I have this dance?" Flynn asks, giggling as she offers her elbow to Julie.

"Of course, your highness," Julie giggles right back. They run over to the dance floor and spin around, doing whatever the music leads them to do and laughing at themselves in the mirror. When the song ends, they're both out of breath from laughing and dancing at the same time.

"My face hurts," Julie says through her laughs, holding her stomach.

"Me too," Flynn puffs, her eyes watering. They grab their Capri Suns and flop down onto the couches. They both lie there momentarily, breathing hard. A voice from the top of the stairs startles them into silence.


"Anyone down there?" Another voice.

"Woah," A boy says, coming into their view. It's Reggie. He doesn't see them immediately. "Guys we hit the jackpot!!!"

Luke stumbles down the stairs in excitement, followed by a quiet Bobby and a wary Alex.

Julie and Flynn can't help it. They burst out laughing again, scaring the boys.

Luke and Alex's shrieks make them laugh even harder. Julie catches sight of Luke grabbing Alex's hand as a reflex, before realizing what he did and dropping it sheepishly.

"What are you guys doing down here?" Flynn asks, standing up, Capri Sun in hand.

"We could ask you the same thing!!" Luke accuses.

"We were just looking to get away from the noise. It's a big house so we didn't have to look far..." Alex starts explaining anyway.

"Yeah, and we saw the open painting and were like 'what's down there'?" Bobby says, shrugging.

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