New Beginning

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Gonna say this again just incase, I don't own fate :|


"You do that.... I can rest easy now."



'What the fuck'

I grabbed the hand of the person shaking me and tried to apply pressure so they would release me, but then I realized I barely had any strength in my body.

Wait no I barely have any strength but it's a lot more strength than I had in my cursed body.

The person whose hand I was holding began to tug away and I finally began to take in my surroundings.


'Small room, multiple beds, varying levels of cleanliness although that is probably hard by the fact this building looks so run down'

I looked to my side at the child I was holding onto, their face a range of emotions although mainly surprise.

"C'mon Kiri, Jeez you always sleep in so late, breakfast is already done. Come down quickly or I bet James is gonna have eaten yours."

I sat up as I watched the boy leave the room, thus leaving me alone to my thoughts.

'Didn't I die how am I here.'

I began to take a look at my body in the mirror and began realizing it was a younger version of myself looking back at me, 8 years old to be exact.

My mind was going into overdrive on how this could have happened and what should I do? When suddenly I was brought back to reality when memories not originally mine began to form within my head.


After taking a few minutes to sort out the information relayed to me, I had a rough outline of my current situation.

'My full name is the same being Kiritsugu Emiya, this body is 8 years old as of this past November. I am currently living in an orphanage within the poorer end of London.'

I continued summarizing the information as I got dressed and made my way to the table surrounded by kids, their ages ranging yet most of them are younger than him with the exception of the Paul kid who woke me up and that James guy who he mentioned earlier. Both of them being only a year or two older.

"Ah, so you finally decided to get up did you Kiritsugu? Hmmmmm?"

The old condescending bat in charge around here is Paula Winslow. If I had to describe her, I'd say she's a self-centered, pompous bitch—and that's not just the memories of my 8-year-old self talking. The one thing that stands out about her is how egotistical she is. From the memories I received, I learned that the poor kid named Paul was given that name because Paula believed her name was so wonderful that altering it slightly for a boy was, in her words, a blessing to the child.

(From here on out I will refer to younger Kiritsugu, the one he received the memories from as Eight, just to make it easier to write)

I proceeded to ignore the woman as it wasn't a strange sight to see Eight ignoring people, thankfully this would mean I didn't have to act like a blubbering child for a couple years. I ate the small amount of food I received while thinking about what my plan from here on out would be.

'Alright so first off I need to find a library and scour the history section to see if it aligns with the past of what I know, then I need to find a source of income or at least more food as if I want to start training my body to a minimum standard then I need some source of nutrients and finally I need to find out if the Mage Association exists here or its equivalent... or if magecraft and such even exists here in the first place.'

I sigh as I drag my hand down my face, the children laugh at Kiritsugu saying he was becoming an old man.

'Alright best start now so I can rest easy knowing what's out there.'


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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