Chapter 10

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It took me a few days to get back to myself, but once I did, was like nothing happened. Everyone was cautious, walking around me like they were walking on glass. After a while, u got sick of it, and they realized they weren't taking the right approach. Everyone started to grow accustom to the fact it happened, and we were all on edge about another attack. I didn't like to talk about it, so we didn't. Fred was respecting that, and it made me feel much better. Today was my nineteenth birthday and I was trying my best to keep it quiet. I didn't love my birthday, it always meant spending money. Money was tight when I was young, and I hated anyone feeling like they were obligated to buy anything for me.

"Happy birthday!" Fred shouted as I stumbled out of the bedroom. My body still ached in the early morning, and Remus thought I might suffer from it for a while. I rolled out my shoulders and popped my back as I sent him a sideways glance. I groaned as I lifted my legs, hearing crackling in my knees. He walked over and kissed my forehead, giving a slight massage to my shoulders. "Still sore?" I gave a nod.

"Thanks for that, by the way. It was a great birthday gift, deafness." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled as he helped me to the table. I hated the vulnerability, but I appreciated the help. The mornings were hard, and without Fred, I probably wouldn't be up and around as much.

"No need to be sarcastic." He tufted as I sat down at the island. He set down a plate of food in front of me, and I gave him a smile.

"Thank you."

"It is your birthday, it was the least I could do." He said and kissed me. He pushed over a potion beside my cup of coffee. It was a pain potion, to help me get back on my feet. I took a swig of it and almost immediately felt better.

"Well, that means a lot." I smiled as he took a seat next to me. After breakfast, we retired to the couch. I opened a book as he let me lay on him. I protested to any big celebration; I just wanted some down time. I wanted to be with Fred, and he made it happen. We sat in silence, the radio humming in the background.

"You know, I really love you." Fred chimed, swiping some of my hair from the back of my neck. He placed a kiss to it, and I gave a small smile.

"Well, I would hope so. I wouldn't want to be getting married to someone that doesn't love me." I quipped, closing my book. I shifted, still feeling stiffness in my joints. The ache was gone, but my body still suffered damage. Fred let his hand rest on my back as I sat up.

"No, really, I love you so much. It's hard to believe you actually wanted to date me. Me, out of anyone you could have picked." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and let my fingers play with the fabric of the blanket that covered us. I stopped and grabbed his hand.

"You know I wouldn't have chosen anyone else. You're the stupid best friend I fell in love with. It's basically every love story ever." I smiled and he rested his hand on my thigh.

"Can I ask a question?" He asked, sitting up to meet me.

"Of course."

"Why did you pick me? I mean, I have a twin. We're identical. Why did you pick me and not him?"

"Well, you're not that identical." I laughed. He rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Freddie, you're not." I paused, placing a hand on his knee. "You may look the same, but your hearts are different. I fell in love with the sarcastic, witty, outgoing, caring man you are. You showed me how to accept myself when I lived a life of regret and uncertainty. Everyone was scared of me, but you showed me that my family has nothing to do with my personality. Georgie is my best friend, but you make me feel things nobody else could." He smiled, placing a kiss to my cheek.

"You always know the right thing to say." He rested his head on my shoulder. I rested mine on his, and we sat for a moment.

"I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." I smiled. He turned my head towards him and kissed me. I pulled him into a hug, and he laid back again, pulling me on top of him. In the mess of limbs and blankets, we found ourselves drifting into a sleep. A time later, we woke up to a knock on the front door. I tumbled from the couch and yawned, straightening my clothes out. I twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. I saw a smiling group of family and friends crowding the other side. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked with a grin.

"Did you really think we wouldn't come and wish you a happy birthday?" Remus smiled. I let them all in, bringing them to the kitchen.

"Fred, get up." I called into the living room, hearing a groan in response. I heard the floor creak, and Fred stumbled into the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes and I laughed. "Morning."

"You spend your day's off work sleeping on the couch? You're such an interesting person." George teased, making Fred give him a rude hand gesture. I swatted his arm, making him stop.

"No fighting, that's a birthday rule." I stated.

"That's a stupid rule." Fred and George chimed.

"You guys are stupid." I shot back.

"That's mean." George stated, leaning over the counter. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You don't know that by now?"

"Anyway," Eli brought silence upon the room. "We have a cake." She smile; and pulled out a box. She set it on the island in the kitchen, right in front of me.

"Who made it?" I asked skeptically, eyeing George.

"Yours truly," Eli smiled. I shifted my attention to her.

"It isn't poisoned?"

"You really think I'd stoop that low?"

"I've learned that anything is possible when it comes to you." I retorted.

"If I wanted to kill you, I definitely would've already done it." She said and I walked over to the box and opened it. It was a very nicely decorated cake, covered in flowers, but what drew my attention to it the most was what the coloured decorative icing said on the top.

"Happy Birthday, Shithead." I chuckled. "I see you had your part in this, Remus?" I said and raised an eyebrow.

"You know it," he smiled. "Always have to get the last laugh." He reminded, placing a loving hand on my shoulder.

"Overall, it's great, but don't you think that was a slight bit rude?"

"Hey, it could have been worse." He shrugged and pulled me into a side hug.

"I hate you so much." I joked.

"There it is," he smiled. "I love you too, shithead." He grinned.

"Eli, thank you so much." I smiled and took the time to hug her.

"Anything for my best friend." She said and kissed the top of my head, causing me to laugh.

"Don't say that too loud, George might get jealous."

"Oh I heard, and I'm already planning my revenge. I put up with you for almost eight years." He reminded. "I'm the best friend."

"Did you make her a birthday cake?" Eli shot at him.

"No, but-"

"Overruled." She said, triumphantly.

"Guys, I said no fighting." I grumbled.

"But it's over you, isn't that endearing?" Eli nudged me, giving a smile.

"It doesn't matter, let's eat cake." I said and got everyone a plate. I grabbed a knife and they all began singing happy birthday. Remus conjured some lit candles on my cake. I rolled my eyes at their foolishness, but didn't interrupt. When they finished, I sighed I blew out my candles. I took them out, throwing them in the garbage.

"Thank god, now I can do this." Remus sighed in relief. Before I had the chance to process what was happening, I had a handful of cake in my face.

"Again, I hate you. So very, very much." I wiped it off, giving him a glare.

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