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Before I start the chapter I just want to say that for Caio's the main look is Noah berreau but for the football looks in Barcelona it's hector fort and in the selección argentina it's Alejandro granacho. 😁

Bro sabes que tu mamá y kylian se dejaron?!(Bro, do you know that your mom and Kylian broke up?)

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Bro sabes que tu mamá y kylian se dejaron?!
(Bro, do you know that your mom and Kylian broke up?)

Como vos sabes es? Y no mi mamá no me lo ha dicho
(How so you know that? And no,my mom hasn't told me.)

Mamá y papá están hablando de eso pq tu mamá el escribió al grupo y el dijo a ellos, también se va a mudar para España.
(Mom and dad are talking about it because your mom wrote to the group and told them, she is also going to move to Spain.)

Bueno pero que eso mi papá?
(Alright, but what did my dad do?)

Seguro que vos está listo para saber, maybe te cuento después de lo euros.
(You sure you're ready to know, maybe I will tell you after the euros.)

No dímelo ahora, it can't be that bad.
(No tell me no, it can't be that bad)

Oh it's bad, 'tu padre' engañado a tu mamá con la misma mujer, vos te recuerda el cumpleaños que a nosotros nos celebraron juntos en Portugal.
(Oh it's bad, 'your father' cheated on your mom with the same woman,you remember of the birthday we celebrated together in Portugal.)

Ese boludo. Si claro que eso tiene que ver con mi papá engañado a mi mamá.
(That dumbass. Yes, of course what that has to do with my dad cheating on my mom.)

Bueno el no fue, porque él estaba con esa tipa, ahí fue tu mamá lo supo. Pero eso no es lo peor el le dijo a tu mamá que tú no iré su hijo.
(Well, he didn't go, because he was with that girl,that's when your mom found out. But that's not the worst, he told your mom that you won't go to his son.)

Enserio. Vos no está relajando junior verdad.
(Seriously. You're not joking junior, right?)

No bro es la verdad. Mamá y papá están hablando que tu mamá no quiere que la media lo sepa porque el nombre de la familia y por te.
(No, bro, it's the truth. Mom and Dad are talking that your mom doesn't want the media to know because of our family's name and because of you.)

Bueno eso es cambia hoy. Pq voy hacer yo quien lo diga.
(Well, that changes today. Because I'm going to be the one that says it.)

Vos está seguro. No quieres que tu mamá te diga primero.
(You sure. You don't want your mom to tell you)

No yo después hablo con ella
(No I will talk to her after)

Vale primo nos vemos prontos.
(Okay, cousin I will see you soon)
You loved "Vale primo nos ve...."

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Miami, Florida
Ungrateful • central cee

𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐎Miami, Florida Ungrateful • central cee

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Liked by centralcee, leomessi and other 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐎 it's crazy how people change after a while, I'm not the one to keep my mouth shut

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Liked by centralcee, leomessi and other
𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐎 it's crazy how people change after a while, I'm not the one to keep my mouth shut. Crazy all the years my mums spent with you were nothing, I guess you are right I'm not your son because I'm nothing like you and will never be. I thank the lord I don't got any pictures with you because they are all edits from fans. I'm glad my mom realized year that you wasn't for her. I don't care what people say but what's not about to happen is you going to think you going to trash my mom's reputation or my families name. 🤷🏻 no body wins in life.

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