Paris chapter 1

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Isabella's POV

My name is Isabella Irland I'm 24 years I'm from Kansas you'll soon learn of my on again off again romance with my long time best friend Kenneth Jones that's something I'd rather wait to get into for now let's get into why I decided to go to Paris in the first place.. I'm on summer break for 2 months from my college and the last thing I expect to find is love... little did I know a chance encounter would change all of that completely...

"Can you believe it? We are in the most romantic city in the world." My best friend Kelley beams

I chuckle "Yeah and I'm here to work not to have fun."

"Oh come on you might meet someone special." She says with a wink

I roll my eyes "Oh please, like I'd be interested."

"If he was cute enough you probably would." She says smiling

I sigh "Don't you have something to do?" I ask

She chuckles "Yes fine I'll leave you alone for now."

"Yes go to the museum for your research project." I say laughing

She leaves and I continue walking to the old cathedral I'm not paying attention when someone comes up behind me. My first reaction is to punch so I do just that.

"Ouch! Man you have a good arm."

"Do I know you?" I ask seeing an extremely attractive guy with gorgeous brown hair and piercing green eyes.

He chuckles "No, but you dropped this."

"Oh uh thanks." I say embarrassed

"You're welcome." He says sitting on the ground

I shake my head and help him up "Sorry. It's a reflex. New city don't know anyone so I'd say it's a natural response."

He chuckles again "Yes it is, my name is Jason and you are?"

"Isabella. Nice to meet you."

"You as well Isabella, clearly you aren't from around here. Could I give you a tour?" He asks

I half smile "Shouldn't I be the one asking to make it up to you?"

He laughs "Well yeah but I wanted to be a gentleman."

I chuckle "So the cute guy with piercing green eyes wants to give a girl he just met a tour?" I ask

"Well I thought I'd be nice as you are knew to the city."

I smile "Okay fine I'll take you up on your offer but if I die I'll come back to haunt you." I joke

He laughs "I'm not an axe murder but I'll keep that in mind."

"Good." I say laughing


After a lovely tour and getting to know Jason a little more we exchange numbers and plan a date for the following night.


"Jeez dude, it's a date. I didn't win the lottery or jackpot." I say

"But it happened in Paris!! PARIS of all places!" She beams

I hold my ears "Are you done yelling?"

"No hold on. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! okay now I'm done."

I shake my head "Jeez what is wrong with you?" I ask

"You have a date with a cute French guy let's just hope the rumor about French guys is false." Kelley says

I furrow my brows "What rumors?" I ask

"That they don't shower." She jokes

I shake my head "I doubt that's true of Jason the boy had so much cologne on he could drown in it."

"Please tell me you are being a little dramatic." She says

"Of course I'm a Leo it's what we do.. but in all seriousness it was woody undertones with hints of mint and sandal wood." I say remembering his scent

"Wow that's your favorite scent isn't it?" She asks

"It is, and he seems really nice but I'm not getting my hopes up remember what happened with Kenneth?" I ask

"Oh can we not about the on again off again thing? Please? The road was bumpy and I got car sick." She says

"Trust me I know I'm moving forward if he feels the need to keep secrets then he clearly doesn't trust me at all after years of friendship." I say shrugging

She nods "So what do you know about Jason?" She asks

"Well he's 26 years old, from France originally but moved around a lot growing up, he moved back here when he was 18 to pursue his paintings he's working to be a professional artist." I say smiling

"Impressive. So he has brains, brawn and a sensitive side.. sounds like fate to me." Kelley says smiling

I chuckle "oh please stop already, it doesn't mean anything he's just a nice guy who picked up a book I dropped and I'm seeing where it goes."

"Well miss I'm seeing where it goes I'm usually right about these things.. the universe gives you signs you do realize that right?" She asks

"I guess you are right but I don't know."

"I was right when I said Kenneth wasn't the one and your one is out there somewhere wasn't I?" She asks

"Yeah but that doesn't mean it's Jason." I say crossing my arms

She stands up "Someday when I'm at your wedding to Jason whatever his last name is think of this moment and you'll say I was right."

She says going to her room. I head to shower before bed thinking of my encounter with Jason could it really be fate or destiny? I've never really believed in that kind of thing.. but I guess anything is possible right?

I fell inlove in Paris... 19+Where stories live. Discover now