Date chapter 2

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Isabella's POV

Tonight is my date with Jason we are going for dinner then a nice walk along the beach. I'm actually really excited.

Once I'm dressed I head downstairs and Kelley seems to be amazed.

"Wow you look very beautiful." She says smiling

I smile back "Thank you, I hate dresses but it's a date and the first date with a new guy."

"Yeah it's simple, not too much yet still very cute. It's perfect for a first date." She says smiling

*knock knock*

Kelley smiles and goes to answer the door.

"You must be Jason, I'm Kelley nice to meet you. Come on in." She says moving aside.

There he stands wearing a beautiful blue suit that hugs his body perfectly, beautiful piercing green eyes, staring back at me.

"Wow Isabella.. you look absolutely beautiful." He says smiling

I smile back "Thank you Jason, you look very handsome."

He chuckles and pulls something from behind his back "These are for you."

I smile seeing the beautiful bouquet of purple roses.

"I'll put them in a vase for you." Kelley says smiling

"Thank you Jason they are beautiful."

"Just like you." He says kissing my hand

Kelley blushes and goes "Awwwwww"

I chuckle as we head to his car he opens the door for me and we drive to our destination.


"So where are we going?" I ask

"It's called Ćhez Fánćý it's very beautiful and the food is to die for. It's one of my favorites I hope you'll like it as well." He says smiling

I smile back "It sounds fancy.."

"It is that's why they named it ćhez fánćý"

I nod.

{I've never really been big on fancy things but he seems very sweet and nice so I'll give this restaurant a go}


Once we arrive I see beautiful lights hanging from the ceiling, the lettering of the restaurant name are gold and lavish.. Jason opens my door for me as I'm admiring the beauty of the restaurant.

"Jason.. this place looks really expensive."

"You don't need to worry about that." He says taking my hand in his.

After we get to our table we order our food and talk as we wait for it to arrive.

"I should tell you Jason I'm from Kansas so this fancy and lavish thing isn't really my style. Don't get me wrong it's a beautiful place I've just never been big on the finer things of life I'm a simple girl."

He smiles "I like the sound of that.. so many women just want money."

"I don't. I'm very independent and don't care about money."

"What do you look for in a guy?" He asks

"Honesty, Loyalty, love, affection, attention, time, care just showing effort is so attractive it's much better than someone who acts as if they don't care." I say nodding.

He smiles "That's exactly what I look for in a woman also a woman who would cook a nice meal every so often. Of course I wouldn't expect her to every night just once a week or anniversary."

I smile back "Wow that's rare for me to have heard of at least."

"I can say the same, so what do you wanna do after college?" He asks

"I'd like to work with animals. Healing them, grooming them, just caring for them. I'm a sucker for animals." I say laughing

He chuckles "Nothing wrong with that, it shows you have a beautiful soul."

{Wow we don't know a lot about each other but he seems absolutely perfect for me}

"What are you thinking about?" He asks smiling

I chuckle "Just how amazing you seem to be."

He takes my hand from across the table.

"I can't be as amazing as the woman across from me." He says once again kissing my hand.

I blush "Why do you always seem to know just what to say?"

"I have no idea." He says smiling


After an amazing dinner we take a walk along the beach hand in hand getting to know each other more.

"Jason tonight feels like a fairytale." I say smiling

He smiles back "It really does, I'm glad you are having fun."

"Are you kidding? I'm having a blast I feel like I'm 18 again." I say laughing

He just stares at me moving a piece of hair behind my ear. He leans down and kisses me softly I kiss back.

"You are so beautiful Isabella." He whispers breathless

I smile "Thank you Jason."


After walking and talking some more we finally end the amazing night.

"I had a great time tonight I'd like to see you again soon." Jason says smiling

I smile back "So did I, and I'm free Friday night if you are?" I ask

"It's a date." He says leaning down to kiss my forehead

I smile and kiss his cheek "Goodnight Jason."

"Goodnight Isabella." He says going to his car.

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