Morning After

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The pads of Victoria's fingers delicately brushed across the skin of my cheek while I slept on my side facing her

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The pads of Victoria's fingers delicately brushed across the skin of my cheek while I slept on my side facing her. Bringing the tips of her fingers to trace the lining of my lips and smiling to herself when I puckered them in my sleep. Watching over my slumbered figure before she planted a kiss to the tip of my nose that slowly stirred me awake. Blinking a few times so my eyes could adjust to my surroundings and landing on Victoria. The urge to stretch my limbs as the rest of my body came back to life. Bringing my hand to rest on her exposed hip giving it soothing caresses as I peered into her.

"Bout time you woke up. I was getting worried." Victoria joked with a chuckle as I snuggled into her to hide my face.

"How long was I out?" I mumbled against her neck, her hand trailed from my face and down my arm. Sighing as she thought for a moment.

"Long enough for your cat to start scratching at the door. Don't worry I figured he was hungry and found his food in the kitchen. He's good now." Rolling on to my back out of confusion at how I could've slept through that. Dragging my hands down my face with a groan, feeling Victoria's hand drape across my stomach.

"I really must've been out then. Thanks V." Laughing at my new found habit of being put to sleep by Victoria. Laying herself closer, Victoria placed her head on my chest while entangling our legs together like vines. She hummed in response as she settled further into me with an exhale, instinctively wrapping my arm around her to pull her closer. Our breathing matched in rhythm with the sound of my AC turning on in the background. The comfort of having Victoria in my arms and the soft glow of the slow morning casting the walls of my bedroom warmed my body.

"Y/N?" Victoria found my free hand and played with my fingers. Looking down at her as my hand that rested on her back found her head, massaging her scalp as I hummed. "You know how you're going to Atlanta soon?"

"Yeah?" I whispered as I studied her fingers mirroring over my own. "Will you... miss everything you have here?" Victoria uttered, I could sense her solemn emotions so I interlocked our fingers before I spoke. "Of course. My time here has been amazing and if I choose to sign then I'd have to leave everything behind again. I've just started to feel like I found where I needed to be just to be uprooted again, you know?" Victoria nodded against me before bringing my hand to her lips to peck my knuckles.

"Well, you think Janelle could find a way to have you based in LA? I mean artists send over their music and record in different places all the time. You don't necessarily have to stay there?" Victoria suggested. Giving it a thought, what Victoria said was a really good point. However, I got the feeling she was discreetly asking me something that she was too afraid to be upfront about.

"That's true but by the sound of it. I think they'd like me to physically be there." Feeling Victoria let go of my hand as she sat up to look down at me. Her orbs held a hint of sadness and desperation when they darted between mine. The one thing that frustrated me the most was the need to tell her I would stay if she told me to. Every moment we spent together the more my feelings grew for her. I was just conflicted because we were doing everything a relationship consisted of but we never put a proper title to it or even discussed it.

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