Chapter 211-220

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Chapter 211 They are not fools.

However, Lu Jianguo was still surprised when he saw what Gu Pan thought was a simple meal: "You guys went out to hunt pheasants yesterday."

Gu Pan didn't deny it either: "Well, we have some places that others don't know about, and they are easy to get. to prey."

Lu Jianguo was still a little worried: "If you go out like this often, there are still risks..."

He wanted to say that he should not go out in the future, but then he thought about it, why should he ask others, after so many years, he has not been with him He was all around him, and now he saw that he had not done anything for him, but he wanted to ask him. Why did he ask him for this?

Halfway through, he changed his words: "So you must be careful when you go out in the future."

Lu Ruisheng nodded. "Well, we will, let's eat first." After saying this, he fixed the small table beside Lu Jianguo's bed, and then helped him shake the bed to make Lu Jianguo sit more comfortably.

Lu Jianguo's eyes have been fixed on Lu Ruisheng. He was only a little bit older when he lost it, but now he is such a big young man and has a wife.

Gu Pan filled a bowl of chicken soup and placed it in front of him.

Lu Jianguo took it and took a sip: "Panpan's craftsmanship is really good, it tastes delicious."

Gu Pan didn't remember which restaurant he bought this from. Of course, he was also good at his craftsmanship, so he was not modest: "In the future Whatever the base manager wants to eat, I'll cook it for you."

Lu Jianguo was very happy: "Okay, you can eat it while it's hot."

Lu Ruisheng moved the coffee table next to the window to make it more convenient for

VIPs . The ward was prepared for these leaders. The facilities were good, and there was a small sofa and coffee table by the window, so it was convenient to eat here.

While eating, Gu Pan told Lu Ruisheng that when he went back, he met Cheng Yang and Feng Zhekai. There was Lu Xuerong. They had scouted the house, which was two houses next to theirs. They moved there in the afternoon. I gave Cheng Yang the car key, so it would be easy for them to move. When

Lu Jianguo heard this, he said to them: "You guys." If something happens, just go back after eating later. I'll be fine now.

Gu Pan said, "We have nothing to do. I told my friends that it's okay. We'll be here with you. " "

She was afraid that Lu Ruisheng didn't know the appropriate answer, so she said it herself.

Lu Ruisheng nodded: "Well, if necessary, we can go back in alternation. "

Lu Jianguo wanted Lu Ruisheng to be here, but he felt guilty: "Well, if you are really fine, just stay here and talk to me.

Gu Pan agreed: "Well, we don't plan to go out recently, and we haven't tidied up our new house since we moved to it. We plan to tidy up the house, so we have plenty of time. "

Lu Jianguo said, "Then just tell me what you need. " "

Lu Ruisheng nodded, and then went over to help Lu Jianguo fill a bowl of soup with two pieces of chicken legs in it.

Lu Jianguo looked at the meat in the bowl and felt his son's concern. His eyes were a little red, but he did not dare to express it for fear of Lu Ruisheng was worried, so he kept his head down and took two bites of meat. He felt even more uncomfortable, and tears fell into the bowl unknowingly.

In order to hide his emotions, he kept his head down and pretended to eat.

Gu Pan filled him with half a small bowl of rice and some vegetables, and placed them on the bedside table, because it wasn't a big problem for him and he didn't want to delay eating.

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