Loving you Pt.1

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Can You Still Love Him Or Her Even He Or She Is Happy With Someone Else.

Hyun please!!
Lisa is talking to her best friend Irene.

Lisa she already said no, can you not take a no for an answer?
Irene said to her best friend.

Please try it again, do it for me please.
Lisa said still trying to convince Irene.

Then what if she will say no again.
Irene said blankly.

Then try it one more time.
Lisa said cutely to convince Irene.

Fine. I'll try again later.
Irene said then left.

Yey!!, thankyou Hyun love you bestie!
Lisa said with an happy tone.

After class..

Irene shouted while going to her friend Jennie.

Rene you need anything?
Jennie asks.

I have something to ask you.
Irene answered.

Don't tell me it's still Lisa you're weird best friend that wants to go on a date with me on the prom.
Jennie calmly said to Irene.

Nini please just be her date on the prom, professor said it's ok to date a girl on our prom please...
Irene said trying to convince Jennie.

Jennie is about to answer but our other friends suddenly appeared

Jennie Irene!!
Our friend sinb shouted.

Are you guys heading somewhere?
Jennie asks.

Actually we are just gonna have some coffee before going home you guys want to come?
Bona answered.

I'll love to have coffee you want to come Rene?
Jennie asks.

Too bad, Hyo-joo unnie is gonna pick me up we are gonna visit mom and dad grave.
Irene answered.

Ohh is that so then next time come with us.
Karina said.

Ok see you guys tomorrow!
Irene said then left.

Tell you're best friend I said yes Rene!
Jennie shouted and Irene heard it and look back at Jennie to say thankyou.

Thanks Nini!! See you tomorrow!
Irene also shouted.

Bae Joohyun!!
Hyo-joo unnie shouted.

Irene waved to her sister.

Irene entered the car of her sister.

How's school?
Hyo-joo unnie asks.

It's fine..
Irene answered.

I don't think so..
Hyo-joo unnie said then look at Irene.

Well...she really like Jennie, and that still hurts unnie, I feel like doing a havor for Lisa only gaves me another heartbreak I feel like a fool doing it for her to be happy. I don't really know what to do unnie when she is around I don't really know what to say should I confess before it's too late? Or should i just let her go.
Irene said to her sister.

You know what hyun, let's talk about it with hye-kyo and Yejin unnie and of course with mom and dad, hmm?
Hyo-joo unnie said to me.

Yes unnie..
I said.

At their parents grave.

Hyo-joo unnie shouted to our older sister's.

You guys are late again..
Hye-kyo unnie said.

Sorry, traffic.
Hyo-joo unnie said.

Let's just eat first with mom and dad.
Yejin unnie said.

They prepared our food.

A few hours later...

Unnie's you know what Irene has something to say.
Hyo-joo unnie inform them.

What is it?
Hye-kyo unnie asks Irene.

Don't tell me it's still about Lisa.
Yejin unnie said.

Hyo-joo unnie said to Yejin unnie.

Spill it.
Yejin unnie said.

Ok, unnie's Jennie already said yes to the prom.
Irene informed them.

What!, I thought Jennie already said no.
Hye-kyo unnie Shockley said.

Yeah..but Lisa asked me earlier to convince Jennie again.
Irene said.

So you convince Jennie, because Lisa asks you to do it.
Yejin unnie said.

Of course it's my best friend who asks me a favor, so I did it.
Irene said while looking at the sky.

But did you want it?
Hye-kyo unnie asks.

Irene shortly replied.

Then why did you do it?
Yejin unnie asks.

Duh!!, of course the only answer she only will give you again is because she love Lisa that's all that she will say.
Hyo-joo unnie enterupt.

You're just torturing you're self in that state hyunnie.
Hye-kyo unnie said.

But,what can I do unnie? I love her.
Irene replied in a sad tone while still looking in the sky.

What can we do to you to stop you from loving her.
Hyo-joo unnie asks.

Nothing can do unnie, I tried to move on but I can't, I just want to see her happy even not to me. Even she wants Jennie.
Irene replied still sad tone and still looking at the sky.

Then we will help you. I cannot stand thinking that our dongsaeng is hurting because of someone.
Hye-kyo unnie said sadly while looking to her sister.

I don't really know.
Irene sadly said then look at her sister's sadly crying.

Her sister didn't say anything anymore but just hug her tight.

Time pass..
At their house.

Irene is in her room now getting ready to sleep but Lisa has a chat on her so she has no choice but to reply to her.

Their Conversation.
Lisa & Irene

Lisa & Irene

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It really hurts to see and know that the one you love is in love with someone else....

Should Irene confess her love for Lisa or she will just let Lisa go....

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