Loving you Pt.4

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From A Far.

Prom Day.

Hyunnie what dress are you going to wear?
Hye-kyo unnie asks.

The black one.
Irene answered.

Are you going to attend a funeral?
Hyo-joo unnie teasingly said.

Why!, what's wrong with my black dress.
Irene irritated said.

What time again is you're prom?
Yejin unnie asks.

It's evening unnie.
Irene answered.

Then let's go buy you a new dress.
Hye-kyo unnie said.

See even hye-kyo unnie doesn't like it.
Hyo-joo unnie teasingly said.

Yejin unnie she's teasing my dress again.
Irene said whining.

It's true though, it's not like we don't like it, it's just not good for a prom, you don't need to look sexy, you to look gorgeous.
Yejin unnie said.

Ok fine.
Irene defeatedly said.

Let's go now so we can bond together also, because it's really been a while.
Hyo-joo unnie

In Mall.

After a long time of searching.

Unnie it's a lot.
Irene said complaining because her foot already hurts.

Yeah unnie hyunnie is right, she only has one body.
Hyo-joo unnie also said.

Why can't she wear it on school?
Yejin unnie asks.

She can.
Hyo-joo unnie answered.

Then this answered you're questions.
Hye-kyo unnie said.

Hye-kyo noona!
Someone called hye-kyo.

So hye-kyo and her sister's look of who she/he is.

Oh.., ki-yong?
Hye-kyo unnie said.

Hi noona.
Ki-yong said when she reached hye-kyo's spot.

What are you doing here?
Hye-kyo asks.

I'm with my friends actually, I just saw you so I called you.
Ki-yong answered.

Hmm.., it's nice seeing you here.
Hye-kyo unnie said.

Are they're you're sister's?
Ki-yong asks.

Yeah, this is Yejin, Hyo-joo and Irene.
Hye-kyo unnie answered.

The three girls said hi to ki-yong.

Boys called ki-yong.

Ohh, by the way noona this is Hyunbin and In-sung my friends.
Ki-yong introduced his friends.

Hyunbin shockley asks.

Yejin also Shockley asks.

You two know each other?
Hye-kyo unnie asks.

He's the officer that helps us to catch the snatcher, that snatch something on my store.
Yejin answered.

Nice meeting you here Ms.Ceo.
Hyunbin said while smiling.

Nice seeing you too mr.officer.
Yejin also said looking at Hyunbin.

Meanwhile Hyo-joo and In-sung is also looking at each other.

Miss, I think I saw you already somewhere, but I couldn't remember where I saw you.
In-sung curiously said.

I think so too, you also looks familiar.
Hyo-joo said.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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