Loving you Pt.3

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After that confession Lisa and Irene is not talking or looking at each other.

And after that jisoo is being there for Irene ALL THE TIME.

Jisoo calls Irene.

Jisoo for once please. Leave me alone.
Irene said in irritation.

Why would I?
Jisoo jokely asks.

You know what. I'll leave you.
Irene said about to leave jisoo.

Jisoo whine to Irene holding Irene's arm.

Irene irritated asks.

Let's go eat together after the practice.
Jisoo cutely said.

Do I have a choice?
Irene sarcastic asks.

No, you don't have a choice.
Jisoo confidently said.

Whatever, let's go to auditorium, were gonna be late.
Irene said.

Oh yeah, let's go Rene.
Jisoo said then left clinging to Irene.

Irene and Lisa is avoiding each other.

Irene is also avoiding Jennie except her other friends.

Time have pass.

Rene let's eat?
Jisoo said to Irene.

Are you that hungry, Kim Jisoo?
Irene jokely asks.

Well..., kind of.
Jisoo jokely replied.

Can we come with you guys?
Seulgi asks.

Yeah let's eat together Rene.
Wendy said.

Are you not going to eat with Jennie and Lisa?
Irene asks.

We are all gonna eat together.
Taeri answered.

Because of taeri said bona hit her head.

Rene please, let's eat together.
Sinb said.

If it's ok with jisoo..
Irene said then look at jisoo.

Author : Jisoo also like Jennie. And also confessed to Jennie but Jennie also turned her down, saying she doesn't like her.


Seat Arrangement.

  Irene jisoo Bona Tae-ri

Karina        Table         sinb
Winter                         Eunha

  Lisa Jennie seulgi Wendy

The couples :
Sinb and eunha
Karina and winter
Wendy and seulgi
Bona and Tae-ri
Are already in a Relationship.

Let's order?
Winter asks.

The couples talks to each other about what their gonna eat.

What do you want to eat Nini?
Lisa asks Jennie.

Same as yours Lili.
Jennie answered with a smile.

Irene and jisoo saw it.

Rene what do you want to eat?
Jisoo whispered to irene to disturb her from looking at Lisa and Jennie being sweet.

Same as yours.
Irene answered.

Ok, I'll get it, wait a minute.
Jisoo said then kiss Irene's forehead.

Little did Irene and jisoo know Lisa and Jennie is looking at them. They saw how jisoo and Irene looks at each other and how jisoo kissed Irene's forehead, because Lisa used to do it to Irene before.

Minutes later jisoo and the others got their food and just about to pay it.

Hey jisoo, I saw what you did to Irene.
Tae-ri teasingly said to jisoo.

Yeah, me too I saw it, you guys are so so sweet.
Winter also said.

What are you guys?
Lisa suddenly asks.

So jisoo looks at her.

It's nothing special, Irene is just a best friend to me.
Jisoo confidently said.

Lisa just nodded to her then left.

Let's go?
Seulgi said then they left.

Rene!, here's you're food.
Jisoo said to Irene then give her, her food.

Thankyou jisoo.
Irene said.

End of break time.

Irene and jisoo is walking with each other, jisoo is taking Irene home.

You know what Rene, when I saw Jennie earlier it still hurts.
Jisoo inform Irene.

You know what Soo, I can relate to that, but what can we do I think they're in love already.
Irene said.

What should we do now?
Jisoo asks when they already reached Irene's house.

I think we really should move on now.
Irene suggest.

Can we?
Jisoo asks.

Irene said then raised her shoulder to say she don't know.

Oh my gosh..., I'll just see you tomorrow Rene.
Jisoo said then left.

See you tom!
Irene also said then go inside.

Who's that?
Hyo-joo unnie asks.

Oh it's my friend jisoo.
Irene answered.

Oh.. Friend?
Hyo-joo asks teasingly.

Irene asks.

Well I just got used to, that Lisa is the one who is bring you home.
Hyo-joo unnie added.

Well.., we are still not talking to each other.
Irene sadly replies.

Well you guys should really talk to each other, not like this.
Hyo-joo unnie sincerely said.

Like what?
Irene asks.

Like you two don't know each other and like you're not best friend before this confession happed.
Hyo-joo unnie answered.

Well tomorrow is prom, I'll just find a confidence to talk to her.
Irene said then left to go to her room.

Ok then, good luck hyunnie.
Hyo-joo unnie said and Irene heard it.

Thanks for the good luck unnie!
Irene replied.

What do you think will happen in the prom?

Do you think Lisa will talk to her?
Or not

Ohh love why are you like that?

See you on the prom tomorrow!

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