Chapter 5 what?

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My eyes suddenly widened. I was breathing uncontrollably, grasping for air. I looked around. I was in the woods. "But how?" I muttered. "So you finally woke up" crystal said giggling. The sky was red, clouds illuminated by the sun.

I stood up. I had a massive headache. "You have been out all night. I don't know why though, I thought our kind didn't need sleep" Crystal said. "God my head hurts". "You stopped being crazy now?" Crystal asked taking a step back. What happened last night was flooding my memories.
"Wow, I really DID go crazy".
"Boy, you said it. When you passed out I began to think you were dead. I could feel your body heat so it's fine."
"Jesus Christ, I don't even know how that happened though. I don't know if I regret it either." My headache turning into one massive migraine.

Crystal handed me an apple. "Eat. You will need to after all that energy release."
"Thanks" I replied.
"What was that dream about? You were tossing and turning then smiled. What was it about?"
I stopped eating and thought back to the dream. I mean, Crystal was shot and I kissed her!
"Oh just the night of my parents, and meeting you." I lied. "Oh...ok" Crystal said.

"Do you think we should leave here?" Crystal asked.
"Urm" she paused "you kind of blew up half of the trees. She then pointed to the mangled roots and trees.
"Ah, right. Where should we go? We need somewhere deserted." I said.
"Why someplace deserted?" Crystal asked. She looked confused.
"In case you haven't noticed. I need to control my powers fully. And a small forest behind a city isn't the best place for my outbursts of" I paused. "Ya' psycho, madness thing"
"Oh right. I don't know."

We both spent about 20 minutes pulling stupid thinking faces as we thought of somewhere to go.
"Oh I know!" Crystal said clicking her fingers. "The Pennines! Big and lots of open areas!"
"That's great but we have one issue." I pointed out. "I need a visual of where I am going."
Crystal whipped out her phone and concentrated as she typed.
"How did you get that?" I asked.
"Took it just before we escaped"
"Got it!" Crystal said.

Crystal showed me her phone and I closed my eyes. She grabbed onto my arm and off we went.

Here we are. Chapter 5. Sorry about it being so long. Any how hope you enjoy. I will write more tomorrow as it is sports day and it is boring anyway so I will just sit and do nothing.

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