Chapter 6 part 2

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The next month or so (lost track of time at this point) Crystal and I stayed with them. We kind of "trained" them, very basic training but we did the best we could. I mean we weren't fully under control ourselves. Obviously with me and my sudden outbursts of energy then passing out. Thank fuck that didn't happen when we met, could you imaging what would happen? I don't think so.
Anyway back to the story.

Rosie was the fastest learner ,and frankly, the most powerful out the the 4. Since she had the ability to create and manipulate electricity one miss guided shot or a rage filled rampage will kill us all. Not even my telekinesis would be able to stop her. She was calm by all means but she seamed like one word could set her off. She then again had a caring vibe around her, she... She was strange.

Amber on the other hand was quite the opposite. She was difficult to train or even keep her concentrating on what Crystal was telling her to do. Her attention span was non existent. It took her longer to train than anyone else. We eventually let her embrace the nature around her. She connected to the grass and trees and could feel what the trees feel. She could feel things from bugs to the wind on the leaves.

James was quite a likeable person ,Well besides the fact that he tried to kill me,
He pretty much knew everything and he didn't need much help. He was just a walking water supply. James was funny, kind and helpful so he was quite a pleasure to be around.

Finally Chris, Chris always was quite a timid person. He said was only 11 so it was quite understandable. He gradually made his way round things and even developed to heal wounds. Like quicker than we can heal them ourselves.

Sorry for not uploading anything. I completely forgot about this 😂 but I'm writing another one  now so I should get 1 or 2 other parts up

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