Dealing with rejection

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Dubai sarkars pov-

I eye the phone on my desk as if it's an evil entity.

I decided that today was the day, that I would confess to my my crush of like, 2 months.

I finally face my fear and warily pick up the phone. I go to instagram and open her DM

I know I know, maybe confessing through instagram was lame, but our school is really strict, so I can't really meet her there and I can't ask her to meet me somewhere either.

This is really my only choice.

It's now or never

I try to overpower the anxiety bubbling in my stomach but I fail as my hands tremble and I begin writing the message.

Hey kkami, I know this is kind of strange but... I really like you, and I have for a long while now. Someday when I see you I just get happy, even with your presence, I guess this is my confession to you^^

I fling the phone across the room onto the bed and then jump onto my desk chair spinning around

I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders

I hope she won't reject me. I mean, I have rejected like 12 girls, but they mostly just want to use me for money, and I have no desire to date shitty people like them

I hear the instagram notification and it almost makes me jump.

I open the dm with trembling hands.

I juts stare at the phone in astonishment



I stare at her message, in shock.

did i seriously just get rejected?

For the first time?

The one fucking time I confess to a girl.

I almost cry. No, I will not start sobbing like a kid over a girl. I will not turn myself into an emo kid at 16 over a girl.

I have a feeling I will though.

Then suddenly, the throng of sadness is replaced with a shock wave of anger

I know there is someone else. I will kill that hoe.

I find out who the bitch is. "Apple? Seriously?"

I send him countless messages insulting him, not even taking a minute to hesitate.

Apple messages back, kind of insulting me worse then I did. This continued for a while.

Eventually, we both just got done with each other and decide to block each other

I still feel angry and hurt at the fact of being rejected

What if she's telling everyone about it? She wouldn't, Kkami doesn't seem like that kind of person. I flop down on my bed and scream, the plush sheets muffling the noises so my family doesn't think I'm critically ill.

After I finish my scream fest. I hear a knock on the door. Before answering I check to see if my face is red. When I'm sure it isn't, I answer the door.

It's my sister. Hikari

"It's time for dinner. How'd it go with kkami?" She asks

Oh shit

"Uhm....I kind of got rejected"

My older sisters face turns sympathtpetic as she pulls me into a hug

"It's ok, there are plenty of other girls. You'll get over it. Now come eat"

I smile at her and get distracted by the wafting smell of food. ,y stomach makes sounds identical to a garbage disposal. Damn I really am hungry.

I go downstairs and sit at the table, Joining the rest of my family.

We laugh and talk as we eat, and it's honestly nice. My mood starts to brighten. After I eat I go upstairs and head straight to bed. It's been an eventful say.

My mind shifts back to the events that occurred today, my mood starts to darken again.

I pick up a Teddy bear I have, hug it, and cry for a while

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