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Dora's pov-

I continue stalking his instagram profile. I can't help it

I go through every post, highlight and story. Screenshot Screenshotting some pictures.

Oh god why am I so obsessed with this boy..

I close my phone and sigh in frustration. how would someone of his social status and looks be into me? Barely anyone in this tiny school knows who I am.

I open our schools group chat instead and start talking. People here are surprisingly nice, subtracting a few shitbags

I start to get bored as less and less people are online. I switch to my friends groupchat. Even in the less time I have spent in this school, I feel as if my entire life experiences have been seen through their eyes.

I feel safe around them.

I open the groupchat to see my two friends already talking. They never do shut up.

I look at the messages as all the strength exits my body

Dubai sarkar? My crush? He confessed to Kkami???

I was shocked. Not just shocked. Completely breathless. Of course I didn't feel any rage toward my friend. I can't really blame her. Not her fault she's pretty.

Chingchong is also radiating shock, so much as I can feel it through the screen almost.

You OK Dora? You've just been stalking these chats without saying anything.

I wake up from my daze as chingchongs message appears on the screen

Oh yes, sorry kinda shocked lmao this shit wild

I swiftly message back

No but seriously, he started complimenting me n shit in a public groupchat like is he OK

Kkamis message comes as a shock to both me and chingchong


she's messaging hysterically , my face is still, but i imitate the same kind of message and then tell them I'm of to bed.

I don't feel very

This is only a schoolgirls crush right? But then why am I so


I shouldn't be like this

But yet I am

How will I ever have a chance with him?

The all mighty dubai Sarkar?

I don't stare at my screen mindlessly anymore,

I turn away

Grab a pillow

Get into bed

and sob all my emotions into that pillow before I drift away into a dreamless sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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