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I was at the mall waiting for my bestfriend Mikha to arrive, we had plans today and she hasn't arrived yet. Oh my god, if i knew she would take this long i shouldn't have come early.

I decided to call her and ask where she is but before i could get my phone, someone called my name.

"Y/n!!" I looked around to see who called me and i saw Mikha and- No! No! It can't be, it can't be her.

They walked towards me and i just stared at the brunette, completely dumbfounded. She still looks the same, only prettier than the last time i saw her. Her gorgeous brown hair swaying side to side, her hypnotizing brown orbs staring at me while her shiny white teeth showing as she smiles.

"Earth to Y/n" I came back to my senses when a finger snapped infront of me.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered. "Ehem" Mikha fake coughs. I glanced at the brunette beside Mikha,  she's smirking. What the hell?

"I'll melt if you keep staring at me, you know?" She joked."You're still the same, still the Colet who's so full of herself" I scoffed. She laughed and shook her head.

"What took you so long Mikha?" I ask, changing the topic. "I'm sorry, my sister here took so long to fix herself" She looked at Colet and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Its worth the wait, i hit the target" She whispered the last part but i didn't quite hear it.

Mikha's eyes widen and slowly turned her head to Colet. "What?" Colet raised a brow.

"Long time no see by the way" Colet smiled and pulled me in a hug. Oh boy, i felt a wave of butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I slowly hugged back and a few seconds we pulled away.

We decided to eat first before roaming around to buy whatever we need. We went to Taco Bell because Colet said she wants tacos.

While we were eating, i can spot Colet stealing glances at me. Although if i glance at her back she'll look away and continue eating. Weirdo.

I look at her as she munches her food, the way she chews them is so adorable. Her cheeks that looks like they have been stuffed with tons of cotton balls is making my heart flutter. I miss them.


We just got back from the mall, we're at Colet and Mikha's house. Mikha asked me if we can go hang out with Colet since she's been away from us for a while. Not gonna lie, i've missed our bond together.

Colet went to Europe to study at Oxford. Its hard for Mikha and I to live without her since we all grew together.

Before Colet left, we both admitted that we have feelings for each other. Only one question keeps bothering me, does she still feel it?



I'm done packing my bags, all i need to do is wait for the uber.

I went downstairs with my luggage and bags, both excitement and sadness filling me.

I'm excited that i can finally go to my dream school, i'm sad because i will miss my sister and the love of my life. I haven't confessed my feelings for Y/n yet and Mikha told me that i should confess already and i agreed.

When i went to the living room, i saw Y/n looking at our pictures that we displayed at the shelves. She grabbed the picture that we took when we were at the beach. She sobbed and hugged the picture frame. I walked towards her and pulled her into a hug.

"Shhh, don't cry" Instead of stopping, she cried even harder. "Y/n/n, its only a few years" I rubbed her back, trying to make her stop crying. "Why are you so unfair? I haven't even told you yet that i love you and you're already leaving me?" She sobbed.

What? She loves me? Since when?

"What did you say?" I ask, trying to make her repeat what she said. She pulled away from the hug and stared at me before slapping my arm. I groaned in pain and rubbed my arm. "I love you, dumbass! I love you, okay? Is that what you w-" I didn't let her finish and slammed my lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and mine around her waist. I pulled her closer and deepen the kiss.

I pulled away and said, "I love you too". Another tear fell from Y/n's eyes and she hugged me again. How could i leave when she just told me she love me? This girl is making it hard for me.

We were about to lean in for a kiss once again when the door opened and Mikha walked in.

"The uber is here Cols" I nodded and drifted my eyes at the brunette again. They were filled with sadness, it hurt to see her like this but to go to Oxford has always been my dream. I need to leave them both, not just for me but for them too.

"How about this? When i get back, i'll court you, ask you to be my girlfriend, i'll propose, i'll marry you, we will have our own family" I smiled, wiping her tears away.


"I promise"



Part two coming!

Also guys, i copied the chapters from my other books. I couldn't get some inspo since i've been stuck at home. Lol.

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