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I sat down on the couch as i wait for my
girlfriend, Y/N, to come home from work. I'm here at her condominium since we are supposed to have a sleepover together.

Y/N and I have been dating for almost 3 years now and i couldn't ask for anything better. She is the best girlfriend you could ever ask for.

I reached for my phone in my pocket and opened Tiktok.

Suddenly, a message popped up, it was from an unknown number.



Is this Jhoanna Robles?

Uh yes?

Who are they?

How did you get my number?

That doesn't matter

I just want to warn you about
your girlfriend

Why? What's the matter?

What do you mean?

I'm here at the bar right now, and
i saw your girlfriend kissing another girl

Is this a prank?

Its not funny

Y/n won't do that to me

I'm sorry, i just thought you deserve
so much better

Here, see for yourself


What? No, its not possible...

Its a photo of two girls kissing, and its obvious that the other girl is my girlfriend.

I can't believe she would do this to me

Thank you for telling me, whoever you are

No problem, no one deserves to be
treated like that

I closed my phone as i let those words sink in.

She cheated on me..... The person who i trusted the most betrayed me. How could she do this?

Then, i heard the door squeak open. I knew it was her.

"Hey, babu!" Y/n greeted. I stayed silent as tears started to drop.

"Babu? What's going on? Are you crying?" She asks worriedly.

I stood up and faced her before slapping her across the face.

"Babu, what the hell?" She looked at me confusingly while rubbing her cheek.

"What is this? Huh?" She watched me as i opened my phone, i showed her the text message and she read it.

"Babu, i-i can explain" She stuttered. That is all i need to prove that it really was her.

"H-how could you do this to me? I trusted you, Y/n..." I sobbed as my tears continued falling.

"Jhoanna, i'm sorry, i was- i was drunk that time. I didn't know what i was doing...." She says, her voice shaking.

"I don't want to hear it! Drunk or not, you still know what you were doing!" I shouted, making her flinch.

"You know i wouldn't hurt you, Jhoanna. I didn't want to betray you, i swear if i could just turn back the time i would correct that mistake. I couldn't afford to lose you, please." She tried to come closer but i stepped back.

"Its too late, Y/n.."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I-i can't do this, i'm sorry, Y/n"

"A-are you b-reaking up with me?" I looked down and stayed silent.

"J-jhoanna, come on.. I-i'm sorry, okay? What can i do to make you forgive me? Please, just give me a chance to explain and prove myself to you..." She held my hands but i removed them from her grasp.

"I'm sorry, Y/n..." I said weakly. I walked away, leaving her crying.



Its been 2 years, 24 months, 730 days, and 17,532 hours.

Jhoanna is now a part of a successful girl group named BINI. While Y/n left for the US and became a music producer.

They haven't heard from each other again since that night.

As i mentioned, its been 2 years. But until now, Jhoanna still hasn't moved on. She still loves Y/n but at the same time, she hates her. Even after all of the pain Y/n had caused her, there's still a part of her that loves and cares for Y/n. Maybe it was the residue of affection.

As for Y/n, Jhoanna is now just a part of her past. Although, the latter can't seem to leave her mind everyday. Its like, Jhoanna is haunting her. Haunting her for the mistake she did. She always brushed it off and thought it was nothing. But was it?

Like Jhoanna, Y/n loved her and hated her at the same time. The scar Jhoanna left on Y/n's heart is still healing.

The pain is still there. The pain when Jhoanna walked out on her. The pain when Jhoanna left without letting her explain her side of the story. The pain when Jhoanna let go of all 2 years they have been together because of one mistake that happened unintentionally.

After that night, Y/n wanted to find Jhoanna and force her to hear her out. But, she realized what she's worth. She didn't deserve to be left without explaining her side.

They were both hurting. But is there anything they can do now?


Oops, there's a part two guys. Calm your asses down.


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