024, orange juice

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     THERE WAS NO walk of shame the morning after.

No, instead, there was a cup of coffee and breakfast sandwiches and a shower together. After all that, they got dressed and he took her downstairs and waited with her for her Uber. When her car arrived, they hugged and he pressed a kiss to her forehead and then she was gone.

When she got home, she found Anthony in the kitchen, his hair still messy from sleeping. He looked up from his eggs when she walked in, an annoyed look on his face.

"You didn't come home last night," he stated, sounding almost mad.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dad," she shot back, dropping her bag on the counter. "I didn't know I had a curfew."

He glared at her and shook his head, his jaw clenched. "Where were you anyway?"

"Slept over at Dean's," she answered, grabbing the jug of orange juice.

Anthony nodded, and took a sip of his coffee.

"How was your night?" she asked, trying to ignore the look on his face.

"Good," he said, his voice flat.

"That's good," she replied, pouring herself a glass. She put the juice back and turned around, leaning against the counter. They were quiet for a few minutes, him eating and her drinking.

"Are you guys like, official now or whatever?" he finally asked, breaking the silence.

She raised an eyebrow. "I really don't see how that's any of your business."

"I'm just asking," he defended, giving her a 'what the fuck' look.

"Ok, well, you can just keep on asking, cause it's none of your business," she snapped, her face flushing.

"Jesus, ok, sorry." He rolled his eyes and shoveled another bite into his mouth.

She let out a deep breath and shook her head, her fingers curling around the edge of the counter. "Why do you even care?"

"I don't," he lied, avoiding her gaze.

"Then why the fuck are you asking?"

"Because I'm concerned, okay?" He was raising his voice now, and his jaw was clenched tight. "I don't think it's good for you to rush into this."

"Write that sentence down, hand it to your therapist," she spat. "And I don't need you to be concerned. I'm not some fucking teenager and it's not like I need a babysitter." She looked him up and down. "Especially not one like you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he snapped, pushing himself away from the counter.

"Well Anthony, you seem to know everything, so I'm sure you can figure it out all on your own like a big boy." She looked down at her glass when he took a step closer, his hand balled into fists.

"If you've got something to say, just fucking say it, Val." His voice was low and angry, and his eyes were trained on her face.

She looked up, and he could see the anger burning in her eyes. "Fine. You're an asshole, Anthony Volpe. You have a shitty attitude about everything I do and you treat me like I'm five fucking years old. You have no respect for anyone or anything and you're a rude and self-centered little bitch with the ego the size of the fucking planet." She shoved her finger into his chest and glared at him. "But what you're not, is my dad, or my boyfriend-" His face turned slightly pink when she said boyfriend, "or anything else that makes you feel entitled to tell me what to do. So-so just shut the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone, okay?"

He didn't say anything, just stared at her, his expression hard. His jaw was clenched, and he was fighting the urge to grab her and pin her against the counter. She looked down at the glass of juice in her hands before tossing the remaining liquid into his face.

He stood there for a moment, letting the cold orange juice drip down his face. His jaw was clenched, and the veins in his neck were bulging. She looked up at him, her eyebrows raised, daring him to do something.

Eventually, he turned away and grabbed a dish towel off the counter. He wiped the juice from his face and did the best he could to dry his shirt and hair.

"Nice hickey," he spat, walking past her.

She snatched a dish towel and managed to hit him with it as he walked by. He didn't react, and instead just continued down the hall, his jaw still tight.

🌺 🌊🥂


he has like 15 different personalities its kinda funny

anyways heres a picture of a father and his son

anyways heres a picture of a father and his son

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anywaysss, hope you enjoyed!

comment and vote!

love ya,

- lottie.

published: 7/5/24

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