
2.4K 101 28

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An impressive amount of progress was made in just a few days. King Vetidaka had space cleared in a couple of the lower level rooms of the palace for the scientists to have their own biolab and a room for building technology. The space was provided to them in exchange for teaching the Daki interested in learning about science and technology—which happened to be quite a lot of Daki. Suffice to say, Malakai didn't approve of this arrangement, but he didn't have the heart to deny his crew what they wanted after everything they'd lost.

Exodus had a plethora of various metals which had many different abilities and uses. Eli's favorite was a silver metal that was light in weight but seemed to be impenetrable against almost anything. Of course he stole from those ancient Lord of the Rings movies and called it "Mithril". Other metals were better with holding electricity currents, and some metals glowed. Eli and Tura'alel spent a lot of time experimenting and inventing with the new materials. Many Daki joined their team after learning and advancing quickly.

Including the silent Daki with the pale blue eyes—Zetu's brother. Charlie had passed by him a few times on her way to the laboratory and she always got a bad, cold feeling that sent a shiver down her spine from the way he looked her up and down like prey. But she felt since she was the mate of one of the strongest Daki in Irotak, she was safe. Besides, if it came to the worst the King's guards were almost always near enough to hear someone cry for help.

Speaking of one guard in particular, she'd been receiving more of those Yapi candies from him—one every day. They'd appear in a pocket or on her windowsill sometimes. One instance she had been walking down a corridor, turned a corner, and there was one sitting smack in the middle of the hallway. It felt playful and she'd smile every time she found it. It felt like a secret. So she kept it like one.

She'd been feeling a little off in recent days, with mood swings and confusing episodes of depression. On top of this, her breasts had become a bit tender. So tender, in fact, that she had to tell Tük'hala to not touch them at all during intimacy. She suspected these symptoms were from the serum he'd been rubbing onto her belly every night and she asked him to stop applying it. Concerned for her wellbeing, he obeyed.

Tük'hala was called to train a few young Daki in their final stage before becoming warriors of Irotak. The young aliens had stars in their eyes when they looked at him, like he was some hero on a level they'd never be able to reach. It made her feel a sense of pride to know her mate was seen so favorably, to know he earned that awe he effortlessly pulled from them. She couldn't help but admire him more and more as time went on. It was easy to.

He listened to her. He took care of her. In every situation he found little ways to show his love for her. And thankfully, since he cared about her concerns, he spoke to King Vetidaka that same day she saw red flags in Prince Rak'dula's behavior towards Jen. Tük'hala informed her that the King had set a rule in place that humans were not to be taken as a mate against their will. Daki ways did not pertain to those who were not Daki.

Charlie stayed for a small portion of the training, ogling the way the muscles of Tük'hala's back rippled and flexed beneath silky scales of dark emerald and deep indigo as he demonstrated powerful combat techniques to the captivated younger Daki. His hulking form towered over them, broad and sturdy, a dangerous force. He used his body as a weapon with the same passion and intensity as how he used his body to bring her pleasure.

She bit her lip.

His movements were fluid like water, but with a heavy weight behind each attack designed to inflict the most damage. He was slow at first to make sure his students caught every detail, before doing it again at full speed, so fast her eyes couldn't keep up. It was incredible.

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