Ugly bird

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Larry Wilbur is a guy considered as more or less an average school all round best and a massive teacher's pet. He is that kind of person that can come to school even when there is no classes and study till it's dark. Larry comes from a pretty good background and has everything you could think of even a sports car but he goes to school on foot everyday and never complains even though his parents go frequently on business trips and often forget his birthday and surely even his appearance. Larry nevertheless is still a guy in an active teenage of 17 years old and is a guy who also has feelings but two weeks ago , Larry got rejected by Hailey the most famous girl in school.

"Larry, I don't like you, never was and never will. You will just grow old and die alone. You're too ugly" Hailey says as she tears Larry's letter which contained all his sincere feelings in regards to Hailey.

   After that day, Larry stayed at home for two weeks straight starving himself for all these days despite the pùleadings of the maid (Dianne). Today particularly was  , as Larry got a serious headache such pain that could break one's spirit. It was expected, who told him to starve two weeks straight?. Larry fainted from the terrible pain and later get up in a strange room still on a bed but it was not his room and in the room was a pair of twins so identical that Larry thought he saw double like for real same dress, hair color, eyes,shape. One of the twins then said"Are you Larry?"

"Yes I am, where am I and who are you ?"Larry asked  curiously

"Very curious one we have here" the other twin says and the first twin answers him.

"You our in our abode and we are the ladies who are going to solve your problems and answer your wishes or heart desires whatever. I'm Emily and she is Emilia my sister" she gave a wired intro which nevertheless made Larry feel better

"Emily now would we just do it I don't have time here" Emilia says bored already.

"Okay Larry Wilbur, We the sisters who see pain and grant hear desires, grant you all your heart desires and wishes even your wildest dreams come to past" Emily says and a chill runs down Larry's spine

"Let it be so" Emilia says and immediately he has a massive headache same as before and falls unconscious.

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