beautiful Turkey

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Larry's Point Of View (POV)
I got up  after having a wierd dream I guess due to me starving for two straight weeks. Today is Monday and I think going to school is the best thing to do. When I turn to look at my alarm clock.......OMG It is 7 fucking am!!!!. Goodness I'm done with.

I rush to the bathroom and have a quick bath and for some unknown reason I picked up a Cargo jean and an oversized t-shirt unlike my normal  dressing. After spending 12 minutes preparing, I was done and rushed downstairs. I imagined all the judgemental looks I will get from the tutors for the first time and I shiver. I bypass Dianne who was surely making me breakfast

"Dianne I'm not eating this morning already late"

I ran out of the house completely oblivious of the surprised look on Dianne's face when I passed through the door, my watch showed me 7:17 am and bro now I'm dead, I never stay passed 7:05 that I'm still at home jeez. My eyes sweep on the sports car my dad offered to me for my birthday and instinctively decide to go to school with it cause right now that was the fastest  means since it was already 7:21 am and classes begin at 7:30 am .

I finally reach school and the gods were really on my side cause I entered class two minutes before bell was rung for beginning of lessons. Madam Kate enters the class immediately and classes begin. Through out the class I feel hot gazes on me surely they are confused at my sudden appearance after two weeks following the event with Hailey but what made me worried was how madam Kate was looking at me as though she were looking at a stranger.

At Break
I was arranging my stuff so I could go to the library or somewhere else cause I am in no mood to get mockery from every about the event with Hailey. A classmate of mine though we are not familiar with each other comes closer to my desk. She was in a mini skirt grey in color and a white t shirt.

"Hey" she eyes me but I don't pay attention

"Hey" I reply just to be polite.

"May I know your name? I'm Nelly Turners "

"I'm Larry " I answer and stand up heading to the library.

At the Library
I pick up a book to start reading

"Larry Wilbur, you are quite a reader" it is Nelly again apparently she followed me

"What?" I drop my polite tone

"I just thought I should ask you for help in mathematics seeing that you are rather good in the subject and school topper" She goes behind me and whispers the last part in my ear while massaging my shoulders.

"Okay, just get off my shoulders" I say and she chuckles

"If I don't hold it other girls would have you seen yourself in the mirror, no one can resist you " Nelly praises me and I strangely liked it

"Hailey resisted me" I say remembering the event but now I don't feel any pain

"She is blind that's it. Don't forget though, Friday after classes at my place " She writes her address on a piece of paper and gives me. Is it me or does this look like seduction?

I go to the restroom to wash my face and go back to that class. When I enter, I look at the mirror and the reflection of a handsome guy with dark hair built up and had a sexy hint at the edge of his eyes meet me. I then realize that it is my reflection.

"Oh shit Heavens what is this look, How did I change in a blink of an eye" I panicked and picked up the Camera of my phone with the faint hope that this is just my imagination but I'm wrong now this is not normal. I gather the courage to go to class when I suddenly see Nelly on my seat gosh she is planning on being my seat mate today .
Luckily for me the lessons end fast as I can't place my hand on the fact that I changed so much in a blink of an eye . I go back home and suddenly remember the twins in my dream could it be them?.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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