Chapter 4.64 - Unexpected Guests

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Emmett woke to the sound of a window opening.

Clara was still asleep and nestled in the crook of his arm.

Emmett's mind sped up, his thoughts racing. Insights came in flashes of danger—everything from a Summit patrol to a DSA negotiator to a random burglar. With each flash of imagery came a dozen different scenarios—whether to use any number of his gadgets, or whether to ambush them in the darkness, using inhuman speed and brute force to dispatch them.

Other scenarios flashed across his mind—Emmett using his nonlethal pistol or rifle. If possible, he would try to contain the damage to the apartment, only using the rifle's fusion mode if Emmett was certain he wouldn't miss. He didn't want to risk damaging the apartment's magical barriers. Then again, if someone had found them, then the apartment's magic was already compromised.

The rifle was standing up next to the door. It would take a half second to retrieve and switch firing modes.

No matter what scenario, the bed made too much noise. The intruder would hear him get up.

It would take Clara roughly twenty-five seconds to put her thin exosuit back on. Emmett could buy that much time.

He would buy that much time.

The next sound Emmett heard would tell him about the intruder's capabilities—how quietly they snuck in through the window, how heavy their steps and confidently they walked in the darkness and toward danger. Whether they searched the room first. How many sets of footsteps. Whispering or the rustle of silent commands. If they could fly, Emmett might not hear anything at all.

The moment dragged on painfully long until Emmett finally heard the next sound:

One set of boots and the creak of a floorboard beneath them. The window sliding shut.

Emmett jostled Clara awake, then motioned for her not to say anything. He climbed across her quickly, putting himself between her and the bedroom door. At the same time, he pulled out his bo staff and readied it.

There was a rustling and a soft thud from the living room, like they'd set something down on the counter. Then the intruder called, "Are you both decent?"

Emmett recognized her voice and let out a sigh of relief.

Clara hurriedly sat up and called out, "We're back here."

"I know." Athena walked around the corner a moment later, half-covering her eyes. She relaxed when she saw they were still dressed. "Oh, good."

Athena stood in the doorway, cutting an imposing figure in the doorframe. Again, Emmett felt that she was older than her years. The gloom deepened the subtle creases in her skin. She crossed her arms, the strands of muscle flexing like steel cords. And yet, Athena looked like she'd just come back from a night out on the town—her long white hair was still up in a bun, and she wore a Soul Scream band t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"So, is there a reason you're both crashing at my place—"

Clara had leapt up from bed and ran over to hug Athena.

Surprised, Athena wrapped an arm around Clara's shoulder and smiled.

"Good to see you too."


Athena led them out to the main living area and the three of them gathered around the kitchen counter. She turned the kitchen light on and opened several of the blinds. The rustling that Emmett heard earlier was two bags of groceries that she'd set on the counter.

Athena's jacket hung on the coat rack. It was still flipped out so that its mundane red leather side was showing. Emmett eyed it curiously. He could see the inner lining, which looked completely normal. He knew from experience that the jacket was reversible and that the other side was black leather with shards of glass woven into it.

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