That's How It Happen

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Bridget:So that's how it happen. When the police came they took me and my bro bt I told him to stfu and I confessed. I told them everything that ever happened to me. Now I'm waiting on my trail. But Carlos is the bae he holding me down. *laughs*

Chloe:How sweet well I hope u get out..

Flo:if you tell them what actually happened they can't do anything. It was self defense.

Bridget:Ik that's why imma tell them everything that has happened.

Sandra:I hope they understand especially the female juries

Bridget:Ikr bt I gotta feeling that I'm going to get freedom.

Them:That's great

~2 months later~

Judge:Alright Ms.Bridget told us everything and now it's the juries decision

Jury:*steps out and makes their decision then they comeback*

Judge:Has the Jury reach their verdict

Jury#1:*stands up* Yes your honor we have? And we find the defendant........ Not guilty


Bridget:*crying with Joy* Thank u so much *runs to my brother and hugs him*

Jayden:See I knew u could do it and I won't be going to jail becuz I was defending u

Bridget:Ik that boii hush

Carlos:Hey bae *holding Marinda in his arms*

Bridget:Awe look at my two babies all hugged up *laughing*


Bridget:She said mama

Carlos:I see this is her first time speaking. She always said Ohhhh and ahhhh and blu luhh boo

Bridget:*laughing and gets her and kisses him* My two big babies

Jazzy:Well let's go y'all we have a lot to do

All:*walks out*

~3 years later~

(Bridget P.O.V.)

Okay so now we living the dream. I have another baby he is one now and my lil girl is five. We live in San Francisco. Me and Carlos are married. He's a music producer and I'm a singer. Yea a chick who was in jail for so called killing my step father and "boyfriend". But hey everyone loves me. So u guys in the future..*laughs*

(P.O.V. Over)

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