Red Eyes

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"Mother, I think Y/n is still playing with the flowers," Your younger sister stated, sitting in the grass, watching you tend to the garden, pull the weeds, and make sure the flowers aligned. You rolled your eyes a little, smiling. You picked up the basket, putting the weeds into the basket, holding it onto your hip. Your hair brushed slightly onto her back. You were the oldest child in your family; you had two brothers and a little sister who had always tried to follow in your footsteps. 
"Aww, Hina, don't worry; I am not putting too much time into the flowers." You walked, moving your hand, and touched her head gently, smiling. She huffed but smiled, looking up at her older sister in awe. You walked with her back to the small townhouse, holding the basket gently as you walked with your sister. You walked a little, pushing your feet onto the ground. You lived in a world where you needed to be careful and aware of your surroundings.
Demons lived amongst you; they killed whatever was in their path, eating anyone that came into their path. Demons only came out at night; the sun harmed them, so they hid in darkness. Demons were only killed by the strongest swords.

The Demon Slayer Core. 
They were trained to understand demons, understand how they fought, and learned how to kill them to protect people. You only knew one demon slayer, mainly because your mother and his family were close. Uzui Tengen. You rarely see him nowadays, but you know he is out protecting innocent people from demons. 
You walked back to the home, moving your bangs back, smiling as you went. You set the basket down, turned, and watched your sister run to your mother. You smiled softly, turning your head, and noticed the sun was slowly setting. 
"Come, Hina, we need to go inside." You placed your hand on her back, gently walking into the house. You moved, slowly walking up the steps, closing the door, watching the sun fall into the night. Turning your head, you walked with your sister to the small room; you sat down on your knees, and Hina sat before you, closing her eyes. You smiled softly, moving your fingers as you pulled up her hair, starting to braid it. Hina loved having her hair braided at night so it would be nice and curled in the morning. You smiled, moving your fingers, braiding her hair, and watching your little sister sit before you. 
"There, little Hina." You watched your sister get up, smiling, running around the room. You gently smiled, watching her. Your mother walked in. She moved, picking her up and walking to the rooms you moved. You stood to your feet and walked as you turned down the hall to your room, pushing the door open. You smiled softly, knowing your family was safe once again.

You rustled in your sleep, moving your head a little, feeling the cold mist run in your room. You moved your body, pushing yourself up, rubbing your head a little. You moved onto your feet, walking down the hall, scratching your head, annoyed that the cold air woke you up. 
"Mom, why is it so cold?" Your heart stops once your eyes see the blood on the ground. Your eyes dart from your two brothers to your mother and sister, your hands shake, and your heart thumps out of your chest. How.. How did a demon get into your home? How did your family get hurt by the demon? And how.. how did you not know? You turned your head, seeing the demon eat at your mother's leg. Your eyes widened, and your body trembled. You are looking at the male form. 
His long black hair fell on his back, his horns curved up from the top of his head, and he had a staff lay by his side. His kimono was in two colors: red on one sleeve, and the other sleeves had different patterns. His head turned, and he was able to hear her heartbeat and smell her weak blood. His eyes were dark red, and they stung into her soul. He smirked a little, dropping the leg as it hit the floor. He stood and licked his lips, picking up his staff and holding it in his hand. He moved his eyes, watching hers. 
"I didn't realize there was one more; I will be full tonight." You watched him, seeing the smirk on his face. You backed up a little, moving, feeling your heart pound out of your chest. You push back on your feet, turn, and run out of the house. You go through the door, feeling your hands shake. You run, seeing the moonlight fall onto the ground, glowing your path in front of you. Your heart raced, and your body shook. You were able to hear the footsteps pushing behind you quickly. You dodged and felt your arm hit the tree. Your body stumbled, falling onto the ground. You moved your head, looking up. Your eyes met his red ones, and your body shook, backing up on the ground. 
"Man, humans are dumb." He laughed, walking towards you, his eyes watching your body tremble, hearing your heart race echoing into his ears. He walked, stepping onto your foot, keeping it pinned down. He looked at her, smirking. You winced, feeling him push down onto your foot; you moved your body, feeling him push down more onto your skin. Your eyes moved up his body, looking into his dark red ones. 
"Pl-Please don't kill m-me!" Your voice hitched. His body stopped, and his eyes moved, looking into yours. His foot stopped putting so much pressure on your leg, and his eyes squinted. 
"You know, my dear, I have heard many people beg and wish for me to spare them; what makes you think I will allow you to be spared?" His eyes watched hers, seeing the fear in her eyes. He hummed gently, then lifted his head, smelling other demons. He moved and reached down, grabbing her neck and holding her up a little, his head tilted. 
"Maybe I should, only so I can eat you later." He licked his lips, and his fangs showed. You moved, taking your hand gripping onto his arm, feeling your body tremble as he held onto your neck. You didn't know why he was sparing you, why he wouldn't kill you along with your family, why he only allowed you to live. Your heart ached watching him. He moved, raising his hand to bring it to your neck, hitting the nerve of your neck, watching your eyes close, your body lay limp. He tossed you, placing you onto his shoulder. He walked, holding the staff in his hand, walking through the woods.  

Uzui covered the mother's body, sighing. He stood to his feet, placing his hand on his hip. He looked around the room, only seeing the two brothers and one sister. He couldn't find Y/n's body anywhere; not even her blood was around. 
"There is no blood in the woods." Amber walked up the steps, her scythe held onto her back. She moved her eyes, looking around the home and the killed family. "Do you think the demon took her?" Amber tilted her head and placed her finger on her chin. Uzui looks at the female beside him. He sighs and nods, walking out of the building with her.  Amber moved, closing the door and walking down the steps behind Haishiro. She moved, and she closed her eyes. Amber was a new demon slayer but has been training longer than Tanijro. Amber had blue hair long down to her hips. She always wore her hair in two buns. Amber had two crescent moon hair clips that held gently into her hair. Amber also had a rare breathing technique. Moon Breathing. Something only one other person knows. And they were a demon. 
"I hope he didn't. And I hope that we can find her." He walked in front of her. Amber moved, and she played with the tiny strands of hair. She looked at him, nodding her head. 
They walked back to the temple. Amber moved, walking up the steps. She goes to push the door open but stops seeing Sanemi, his eyes moved, staring into hers. Amber tilts her head, looking at the wind. Haishiro moves, and she steps aside. Amber usually kept to herself, training alone or with Uzui. Kagaya told Amber never to speak about her past or herself unless it was to him and his wife. He wanted to protect her from what could happen if people knew who she indeed was. Amber watched him walk away. She closed her eyes, walked into the building, moved her fingers gently, and touched the kimono. Amber walked but stopped, feeling something touch her shoulder; she turned her head, looking over at Giyu, his sharp blue eyes looking into her soft marble eyes.
"Did you find the girl?" Amber shook her head, her eyes closed.
"No, all we found was the family's blood bodies.. her body was never found." Amber opened her eyes and looked up back at him. Giyu nodded, sighing; he knew how close that girl was to Uzui and his wives. Now, knowing she was either dead or worse in the claws of that demon, it didn't sit okay with him.
"Do you know what demon did it?" He walked alongside Amber, and his eyes stayed forward. Amber walked, moving her hands down to her sides. She shook her head.
"No, I couldn't point out what demon caused that much damage; I could tell it was only one." Amber walked, pushed the small door open, turned her head to Giyu, and gave him a gentle smile.
"If you have any questions, I would advise asking Uzui. He has more insight on the matter. I was just there to help him." Giyu watched her small smile form on her face, seeing her eyes look into his. He nodded, turning away, allowing her to have her privacy. Amber moved, and he closed the door behind him. Amber walked. She pulled at the moon clips, letting her hair fall. She walked and put the clips down on the bedside, humming gently. Amber moved and looked out the window, seeing the sunrise more. She worried about the girl.
Hoping she was okay.
And not killed...

You moved your head, feeling something soft touch your back. You opened your eyes, sitting up a little panting. You looked around, seeing you were in a bedroom. You were confused. Was your family still dead? Was that demon still around? You stood up, seeing the curtains closed. You moved, hearing the door open. You turned, looking over and seeing the demon. You widened your eyes, watching him. He held the plate in his hand, turned his eyes to look at you, and growled a little low. 
"Eat, you little brat." He placed the food down on the bedside table. He kept his eyes on her. He watched her heart beat quicker. He scuffs under his breath, walks, and brushes his bangs back. 
"Relax, human, I am not going to eat you. Well, at least for now." He smirked, keeping his eyes on her. You looked at him, then back down at the plate. You were nervous, scared that he touched it or cooked it wrong. 
"Eat, or I will make you." He clenched his fangs and watched her eye the food. He moved, crossing his arms. You jumped, hearing him shout. You moved your eyes, then back down to the food, and you picked up the food and held it in your hands. Picking up the fork as you ate slowly. He watched, then turned, walking out of the room, leaving you to eat. Your mind ran with so many questions you were unaware of what was going on, so lost with why he was being somewhat kind to you. You just closed your eyes and ate. 

{I hope you enjoyed the first chapter; I am sorry it doesn't match the manga or show. I wanted to add my own spin on some things, so I am sorry if you don't like it. But I will try and keep adding more chapters but be patient I do work nights so sometimes I forget to write. Anyways. See ya!}
{Words: 2069}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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