the truth is discovered

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Dean woke up to the faint light of dawn filtering through the apartment's curtains he shared with Sam. He stretched, feeling the slight muscle ache from yesterday's workout, and let out a contented sigh. The room was quiet except for the occasional creak of the old building settling. He glanced over at the other bed, where Sam was still sound asleep, his hair a tousled mess against the pillow.

Slipping out of bed, Dean padded silently across the room and grabbed his clothes for the day. He headed to the bathroom, the cool tiles sending a slight shiver up his spine. The hot water of the shower was a welcome comfort, and he stood under the spray for a moment, letting it wash away the last remnants of sleep. He washed quickly, then brushed his teeth, the minty freshness waking him up further.

Dressed in his usual jeans and a faded flannel shirt, Dean headed down the narrow staircase, taking two steps at a time. The stairs creaked under his weight, a familiar sound that was almost comforting in its regularity. Reaching the kitchen, he set to work with a practiced efficiency.

The kitchen was small but cozy, with sunlight beginning to stream through the windows, casting a warm glow on the worn wooden countertops. Dean pulled out the ingredients he needed, setting the bacon sizzling in a cast-iron skillet. The smell of cooking bacon filled the apartment, rich and savory, and Dean couldn't help but smile. He moved on to the waffles, mixing the batter with a quick, practiced hand. He tossed in a generous handful of chocolate chips, knowing they were Sam's favorite.

Sam was jerked awake by the sound of Dean yelling from the kitchen, "SON OF A BITCH!!!" He bolted upright, heart pounding, and quickly scrambled out of bed, nearly tripping over his own feet as he rushed toward the source of the commotion. Bursting into the kitchen, he found Dean standing at the stove, a look of frustration on his face.

"DEAN, YOU GOOD?" Sam called out, still a bit breathless.

Dean glanced over, a sheepish grin forming as he held up a piece of charred bacon. "Yeah, I'm good. I just burned the damn bacon."

Sam let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his messy hair. "So that was a reason to scream and wake me up?"

Rolling his eyes, Dean retorted, "It's bacon, dude." He picked up a piece of the burnt bacon and popped it into his mouth, chewing with exaggerated satisfaction.

Sam grimaced, looking at his brother with mild disgust. "Dude, that's gross. Come on."

Dean shrugged, still chewing. "Just a little burnt. It's all good."

Ignoring Dean, Sam moved to the counter and began gathering the ingredients for his morning smoothie. He set out kale, spinach, a banana, some almond milk, and a handful of berries. Dean watched with a look of growing horror as Sam dumped everything into the blender.

"How can you drink that crap?" Dean muttered, eyeing the green concoction with disdain.

Sam smirked, launching into his usual spiel about the benefits of a healthy breakfast. "It's all about getting the right nutrients, Dean. You can't keep eating greasy food forever. You need vitamins, minerals, and—"

Dean's mind began to wander, tuning out Sam's health lecture. All he heard was a droning "blah, blah, blah" as he finished off the last piece of bacon. His phone alarm suddenly blared, startling him. A piece of bacon dangled comically from his mouth as he fumbled to turn off the alarm.

Meanwhile, Sam finished blending his smoothie, the loud whir of the blender filling the kitchen. As he poured the green liquid into a glass, the alarm cut off, and both brothers spoke in unison, "Let's get to work."

They grabbed their respective gear and headed outside. The morning air was crisp, the sun just beginning to rise, casting long shadows across the parking lot. The Impala gleamed in the early light, a testament to Dean's meticulous care.

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