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Dean arrived at the firehouse, feeling the familiar hum of the Impala beneath him as he pulled into the parking lot. The sun was just starting to rise, casting a warm, golden light over the station. He parked his beloved car and stepped out, the crisp morning air filling his lungs. He missed Sam, who had school today, but he knew his brother was determined to make a new life for himself.

As Dean approached the station, Bobby walked up to him, a concerned look on his face. "Do you smell that?" Bobby asked, his nose wrinkling.

Dean sniffed the air, his senses on high alert. "Yeah," he muttered, recognizing the scent immediately. Sulfur. His mind raced, thoughts of demons and danger flooding in.

Before Bobby could say anything further, they heard a scream. "Bobby!" It was May, her voice high-pitched and terrified. She was almost to them when a random firefighter, leaning against the side of the building, let out a crude catcall.

May stopped in her tracks, looking uncomfortable and scared. Bobby's face darkened with anger, and he ran over to her, Dean right on his heels. The firefighter didn't even see it coming when Dean shoved him hard, sending him stumbling backward.

"Back off," Dean growled, his eyes blazing with protective fury. Bobby quickly ushered May inside, away from the commotion.

Once they were in a more private area behind the station, Dean grabbed the firefighter by the collar, his grip like iron. "You think that's funny? That's a child, you sick bastard," he spat, his voice low and dangerous.

The firefighter, a look of shock on his face, stammered something unintelligible, but Dean didn't wait to hear it. He drew back his fist and punched him square in the jaw, the force of the blow sending the firefighter reeling. "You ever do anything like that again, and you'll regret it," Dean warned, his voice cold.

Leaving the firefighter nursing his bruised jaw, Dean walked back out, shaking off the anger that still simmered beneath the surface. He had an hour left on his shift, and he needed to focus. He headed inside, where Bobby was comforting May, reassuring her that everything was okay.

Dean gave May a reassuring nod. "You're safe now," he said, his voice gentle.

As the clock ticked down, the station's alarm suddenly blared, cutting through the relative calm. Dean's heart rate kicked up a notch, the adrenaline surging. He grabbed his gear and quickly joined the rest of the team, ready to face whatever awaited them.

Bobby looked at him, a mix of pride and concern in his eyes. "You good to go?"

Dean nodded, his expression determined. "Always."

They moved out, the fire truck roaring to life as they sped toward the emergency. Dean felt a sense of purpose settling over him. Despite the chaos and danger, he knew he was exactly where he needed to be, fighting alongside his new family.

The fire roared around them, engulfing the house in a nightmarish inferno. The heat was intense, and thick smoke billowed from every window. The sound of crackling flames and the groaning structure filled the air. The firefighters moved with practiced precision, their training and instincts guiding them through the chaos.

Hen and Chim had already managed to get the two young children out, their small bodies clinging to them as they were carried to safety. Bobby emerged from the house with the mother, her face streaked with soot and tears. Eddie followed closely behind, supporting the father, who was coughing violently from the smoke.

The mother's eyes were wide with panic as she screamed, "MY BABY IS STILL IN THERE!"

Bobby's heart skipped a beat as he grabbed his radio. "Dean, there's a baby inside. Do you copy?" Silence met his call, the static a stark reminder of the danger Dean was in. Bobby tried again, his voice more urgent. "Dean, do you copy?"

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